Peaches – Golden Labrador x Lurcher Puppy – HOMED

Peaches – Golden Labrador x Lurcher Puppy – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Peaches – Golden Labrador x Lurcher Puppy – HOMED

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    Peaches is doing great and getting more confident every day :D Today we went to the vets to get KC vaccinations and Peaches walked trough the doors without a bother! She greeted other waiting "patients" with interest ;) and happily talked to the receptionist and vet. I got chuffed… She was just so brilliant :P . Anyway here is a couple of new photos…again…
    Honestly, there was no food in my bowl….JPG
    Tiny Peaches.JPG
    New favourite toy.JPG


    I can’t believe this girl hasn’t been snapped up yet. She’s beautiful


    I agree she is a really lovely looking dog, she looks big until you see her asleep besides the other dogs head. I would love if someone would explain what is going on in the original pictures with her between the two people on leads ,is it a training technique?


    It’s agility training. She’s probably a clever little cookie and thrives on it :D


    Oh I see , that makes sense because the earlier posts say she was teaching others , so she is a little clever clogs.Such a sweet face.


    Peaches came with me to Tilley Farm in UK where I am doing my Ttouch training. And on all the courses I have attended so far, dogs who attend are always the best teachers :) ! And so was Peaches the last time :P (and as said before, she has the certificate to prove it!). The pictures where she is being lead by two people are just part of the Ttouch exercises to help dogs in what ever problems they might have.
    Hope the above answers the questions about the photos! ;)


    How is this gorgeous girl getting on in the snow? Does she like it?


    Peaches is absolutely loving the snow!!! She is jumping with joy in the snow, sticking her whole face in it (obviously looking for snowrats ;) ), having a good chase game with Moon and Sky and trying her best to catch snowballs! So loving it :) Unfortunately I have not had the camera with me too much, so this time only one picture :|
    First snow 1.JPG


    This little angel got her Christmas wish and headed off to her new home today :D Looking forward to loads of updates ;)


    I am so happy for this girl I hope her new family keeps us informed of her progress.Best of luck in your new home Peaches.


    Congratulations Peaches! May you (and those fabulous ears! :P ) be very happy with you new forever family. :D


    I visited Peaches yesterday to deliver some late xmas pressies, and it was just absolutely brilliant to see her lovely face :) ! She was settled in well with the family and has loads of room to run around in. Since getting her forever home she has been washed twice… After rolling in some very smelly stuff (read cow poo :lol: ). So our sweet little girl landed on her feet!
    Got my chew!.JPG
    They are my pressies!.JPG

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