Peaches – Golden Labrador x Lurcher Puppy – HOMED

Peaches – Golden Labrador x Lurcher Puppy – HOMED

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    This little girl is 9mts old and a little sweetheart. She is wormed, vaccinated, microchipped & neutered.


    I have the pleasure of knowing this girl , she is a fantastic dog , great with kids and adults,, my cat only got a sniff out of curiosity !! I wish her all the best in finding her forever family.


    well this lovely lady is here with me. She is a very nervous girl, but very gentle. she is great with children and adults, she can be abit stand offish at first but when she gains ur trust shes just great. Peaches would make a great companion, but she would be best suited with a family that did not have any other dogs in the household ;).

    here are a few snaps of her…..


    aw belinda she looks so happy up havin a snooze :D
    ive met peaches and she really does relax after a lil while, she is still young so with time she will blossom.


    Peaches arrived to our house last night, and understandably was a bit worried off it all :( . The first encounter with our two dogs was also somewhat scary, but Peaches took it fairly well! The night was peaceful with everybody in the same bed (it was hard get comfortable with 3 dogs… but it wasn’t cold :D ).

    Today have had a couple of walks, and Peaches is good on the lead. Also had playtime in the back and here is a couple of photos from that.
    2010-08-19 10-46-56 – P1060222.JPG
    2010-08-19 10-49-05 – P1060236.JPG
    2010-08-19 10-49-02 – P1060235.JPG


    Delighted to hear that this slight in stature stunner had a good night and even relaxed enough to have play time …..In good hands with your foster mum and paws with your new foster big bro and big sis Moon and Sky …you will have her all readjusted to being a delightful daring little dog again.


    Peaches is doing well and starting to come out of her shell! She is not yet brave enough to play with Sky and Moon, but with a little TLC her confidence will grow and then it is time to play with the big dogs ;)! Peaches loves to look out the window and see what is happening in the world. And when she has had enough of that she will cuddle beside you and fall asleep. She is so cute :D!
    Ladies couch.JPG


    eh, that does not look comfy but she does look content :lol: :lol:
    cant wait to see her when she relaxes and we see her puppy side shine.


    Peaches has been with us now for a week, and she is becoming more confident every day. She is carrying out all our dogtoys with increadiable pride and then leaving them for us to put back once shes had her fun :mrgreen: . The puppy side of her is coming out more and more and this afternoon we nearly had a playtime with Moon :) .

    This morning had also a great walk up in the mountains and for the first time Peaches had a good off lead run. Her recall needs a little more practice, but she stays with the pack.

    So all and all Peaches is becoming the wonderful, playful puppy we all knew she was! :D


    Had to let you all see this one too…
    ‘t me.JPG


    love that last photo!!! Is she hiding from someone? or blocking out the light so she can sleep??


    That is a good question… We thought she was just ashamed :oops: … Of what – we do not know!

    And great news: Peaches and Moon have had their first play :D :D :D ! Sounds like nothing big, but for us it is an incredible thing :P !!!! If only I had gotten pictures…


    Peaches is doing absolutely great. She is a fabulous, normal puppy, who will be a great addition to any family!!!
    Having a chew too.JPG
    Yes, I belong to the whippet family..JPG


    Well done Jetta Sky and Moon……Peaches lookes like a different dog …love the photos especially how proud she looks in the first one!


    Thank you for that Audrey, but it is Peaches who has taught us!!! And after all that she is very tired….
    I am tired.JPG

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