Paxie – a couple of more photos

Paxie – a couple of more photos

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    This little man will be wormed, microchipped and have at least his 1st vaccination before being rehomed. He must be neutered at 6mts old.
    We picked Pax and his brother Parker up today from Kathy. They are the smallest cutest little puppies you could ever wish to come across. They are absolutely tiny and only 10 weeks old. :D

    They were great travelling in the car and the journey home did not faze them at all.
    When they had settled in and had a nice meal and some water (for such small pups they had no problem finishing off their food) we introduced them to our dogs Sophie, Bailey and our other foster Bosco.
    They got on straight away and it was amazing to see how Bosco now eleven weeks old was so gentle with them.
    Pax and Parker were full of life once they had a little nap and they were running around after the other dogs wanting to get involved in all the activity.
    They are super little dogs and it looks like they’re going to have BIG personalities.

    Will keep you posted once they have really had a chance to settle in.


    Pax is such a sweet little puppy and he has settled right in to our family unit.
    He is smaller than his brother Parker but has just as much energy and is always fun to have around.:D
    He gets on well with the bigger, older dogs and always wants to be part of the action. :D


    :o Pax, you are just tooooo cute, I could run away with you. So very teeny tiny – you wouldn’t take up any room at all. ;) I bet you have miles of potential adopters fighting to get to the front of the queue, if not then I have taken my place at the very front. You are just gorgeous,gorgeous, gorgeous. :D ;)


    This little man is going to be a great companion :D .
    He loves company and is just full of personality :lol:.


    He’s sooo tiny and he’s gorgeous. That was a good idea to put the coke bottle beside him to give us an idea of his size.

    JRT’s are such clever little dogs, I don’t think Pax will be waiting long for his Forever Home.


    He just HAS to be featured in a calendar somewhere – he is TOO adorable. :D


    pax is just so adorable, i would love to adopt him, i have an 18 month jack russell called Jack, :) Pax would get on grand with Jack, as he is very loving. we are a familly of myself, my partner and two children ages 16 and 13, we would love another little dog, and we have fell in love with Pax and Parker, they are so sweet. we would therefore to be considered to be the proud parents of little Pax. :D :D


    :) Well, I am just wondering how the paxy puppy is getting along? He is a whole 5 weeks (and a little bit) now, has he grown much in the last week? I really can’t believe how diddy he and his brother are. They might go mad and have a super growth spurt and end up the size of a cat :lol: Could still happily steal you and bring you home to join my rabble, its not perfect but miles better than ‘joining the circus’. Happy vibes to you Paxy, be good now. :D


    :D How is my favourite micro-monster getting on? Hope you are not eating the flowers in your garden Pax or terrorising the postie, plenty of time for that sort of thing later on.


    Pax is an amazing little puppy.
    He has no idea he is a tiny puppy for as far as he is concerned he’s a fully grown dog. :D
    He is just so much fun to have around and it is always good for a laugh to see him playing with and chasing the bigger dogs.
    He loves to be handled and would lick you to within an inch of your life if you let him. :lol:


    :D He has got RAF wings under his eyes! Oh, I could be so very stupid about Pax – you know what I mean?


    I would love to adopt this little guy! I have a fabulous 6mth old Jack Russell x who would just love to have a little playmate. Am i too late..?
    Kind Regards,


    Hi Sue
    If you are interested in adopting one of the pups/dogs on the site please fill in an adoption application form (in Forms & Downloads section) and send it off .When your request has been processed you will need to have a home visit, your co-ordinator will explain everything to you in detail.
    Best of luck :D


    I already filled out an adoption form this year, you may have it on file..? ? Unfortunately at the time you called to arrange a home visit i had just moved into a new house and i had to cancel the visit. Could you let me know if you still have my form on file?
    Kind Regards,


    Suzie, email the person dealing with the adoption process to find out. Their details are in the ‘Contact Us’ tab at the top of the page.

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