Owen – Cairn Terrier

Owen – Cairn Terrier

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Owen – Cairn Terrier

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    Name: Owen

    Reference Number: 822

    Sex: Male

    Located: Ashton Pound


    Date Out: 13th September 2009


    He looks like toto from the wizard of oz!!! How old is Owen is he looking for a foster or to be rehomed from the pound?


    Apologies in advance for this silly question :oops: Is it for sure that Owen is a he? We are very interested in him (hopefully her)! Tried to get through to the pound via phone, but no answer. :roll:
    Many Thanks in advance for any reply!


    Unfortunatly we have been told that Owen has proven to be very unpredictable so will not be rehomed.

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