On the 12th Day of Christmas DID Charity gave to me
Best Buds Florist 3 Arrangements and Dial A Dog Wash
From 23rd of December Draw
We can’t thank Best Buds Florist enough for all their on-going support especially the marvellous Marie Bradley who has not only been a great fosterer but also a great organiser and transporter… if you need any sort of floral piece we can’t recommend this fantastic florist enough they are just so creative have a look at them ….
on facebook – https://www.facebook.com/bestbudsfloris … er?fref=ts
or on their website – http://bestbuds.ie
Winner – Margaret Fermoyle (seller Vicki Fermoyle)
Many of our fosterer families and forever families use the fantastic services of Mick from Dial A Wash….Mickohara40@gmail.com or you can call him on 087-6869356- he is just the gentlest soul when it comes to grooming even the most reluctant canine client….
Winner – Peter Burke (seller Ally Orr) Best Buds.jpg Dial A Dog Wash.jpg