Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED*

Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED*

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    Our lovely Odie went to his forever home today! He has a new best pal, a female gsd around the same age aswell so a good match! Our house is certainly quieter than it was, and Mel was a bit cross with us but hopefully that won’t last! :lol: We miss him already but we know his new daddy Conor will take good care of him, and maybe put up the odd picture to give us a little fix of Odie love! Odie, you were an absolute pleasure to us, love your foster mammy and daddy!



    Just to let you know Odie is getting on great, he is asleep here beside me on the sofa at the moment, Sam my other gsd is plaguing the poor fella, they are having a ball, they are shattered from St. Annes and endless wrestling matches all in good nature. He is doing great with the cats as well Thank God, he just watched them to begin with now he sniffs their heads and walks off, the young cat is even coming over to him and rubbing himself off Odie. I cant believe how chilled out he is, he is making the rest of them look like mugs. Jules & Dave it is clear he was so well looked after and loved and for that Thank you so much. I have been trying to put up pics but no luck so far so any tips let me know. Keep up the good work and Thanks so much, Odie is a real pleasure.



    Thrilled for this dog, sounds like a very happy ending.


    ahh delighted you got him Conor :)
    He definately landed on all four paws :D
    Hope Sams back in flying form too and the two of them will make a lovely couple :lol:


    Thanks but I am hoping for a more brother sister thing here to be honest :D Odie seems to have settled really well, no crying, wetting the house although the poor bloke often hits the back of his front leg when going :lol: he is great though just so relaxed spends most of the day asleep, came to work with me today on the road for a bit and he was superb, seems to be loving st annes as well with sam, was more playful today which is great plus he was off the lead for most of it in the wooded areas and loved chasing, fleeing and wrestling with sam. Plus he is holding his own here with all the others he is even blocking sam’s daily attacks on me :lol: . He even slept on the bed last night right beside one of the cats. Will try put up pics again.


    Hi Dave,

    Happy New Year, just letting you know Odie is getting on fine. Loving his daily walks in Annes and he is really close to Sam and one of the cats, constant play fights between the 3 of them, they all ignore the older cat as she is not one for messing about. They have the craic here, he is asleep beside me here at the moment on the sofa. He hasn’t had the runs in a fair while now so fingers crossed on that one, although it is no problem just kick leaves over them when he has them, no bother at all in the house, loves the van, anytime I even open the door he is sitting in it before I know it even if I am only getting something out of it. Himself and Sam go everywhere with me so he is definitely not short of company. Walks around the place like he owns it now, easily holding his own with Sam and if anything is becoming as big of a messer as she is, they must batter each other every single morning for at least 2 hours, tired looking at them. He is up now and just plonked himself down on my left arm, hard to type as he likes to sleep on half of me, his head must weigh about 2 stone. If you want to know anything just ask, pic attached not sure if i sent it before. Have loads of more recent ones but where???


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