Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED*

Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Odie – White German Shepherd *HOMED*

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    Best of look with your home visit!he really is a great dog ill be sorry to see him go!!


    Stunning guy! Reading his posts feel like I know him. . the gentle paws to the head when attention is needed, the stealing of socks. . the nosey face looking out the window. . the skidding on the floor. . belly rubs on the bed. . .the mindng of the house! I live with an Odie!! Truely have to experience it to appreciate how loving these guys are. They want nothing more than to follow you around and be near you 24/7! Good luck Odie hope you find forever family who will dote on you the way your foster mam has!


    Ah thanks Claire, we really do love Odie, determined not to be failed fosterers first time round but so hard to let him go! Might have a forever home soon, at least I won’t look like a complete header with the staffie and German Shep in a convertible heads stuck out lovin how cool they look! :lol: I’d say people look at me like I’m a complete nutter! Has to be done though coz they love the water n I’m not near enough to the sea to walk! Will definitely put some pics of that up!


    Hi. this is Ashling, im nearly sure i bumped into you and odie in the park in clonee a couple of weeks back? I have the black belgian shepherd? anyhow im looking for a companion for her now so i was looking on this web site as i want to rehome a dog as opposed to buying a pup as there are so many dogs in need of a good home, and just by chance i came across odie again….. how mad is that :D .
    i would love to rehome him if he is still looking for a good home & i know china (my dog) would be delighted too . looking 4ward to reply.
    thanks Ash.


    Hi Ashling yeah i remember!Thats a strange coincidence alright!yeah i remember china too gorgeous dog odie was a fan too!ya fill out an adoption form and then you can get a home visit done!Best of luck wit it we might be seeing ya soon!


    Odie and Mel had their first ever encounter with a pony today! Very funny stuff! Spotted him tied up down by the Tolka and decided they would investigate. The horse sauntered over n the pair of them nearly lost their reason :lol: Odie gave off the big bad man barks n the other loon was squaring up to him! Funnniest thing I ever seen til they untethered him and off the pair off them went galloping around Damastown with the horse like they were running the National! :P Should carry my camera all the time its like watching a carry on film, check out new pics of my cool dudes!


    Hes getting on great in the car these days!be driving in no time!

    DID Rescue

    Great photos better apply for the licence sooooon…… :lol:


    How is the handsome Odie getting on ? I cant believe he is still undiscovered such a super looking dog and if true to his breed,very bright, gentle , extremely devoted to his family and not really all that demanding.


    He is exactly as you described!im Very surprised he hasnt been snapped up but all the better for me having this fella around!im just in from work and he was delighted to see me!so loving!


    Odi Was Vaxed and chiped today!He didnt even realise it had been done!Hes such a good gentle dog!still gets a bit excited around other dogs,barks a bit but its all in good spirits!Hes a great companion!


    I just joined to bump Odie to the front page where he deserves to be :D
    Odie is an absolute sweetheart hes very obedient when not being led astray by Mel
    He gets on great with my dog Sutton so hes ok with girl and boy dogs and he always comes back when hes called , he even goes to fetch Mel before coming back cos shell never come of her own accord :lol:


    Hi guys. Donna and myself are new users / members. This guy is a real stunner and all the positive comments make him sound ideal for our family.
    We are really interested in meeting Odie to see if we can give him the forever home he deserves.
    We have filled in the application form and would really welcome a home visit to show what we can offer.
    I hope we hear from you soon. Bref.


    Oh best of luck you guys , this guy will not disappoint.


    Our lovely Odie is still as lovely as ever! He has a little dermatitis on his inner thigh which he made bald licking at! We brought him up to Paul who despite being his best friend when they first met, he is now not talking too! Very funny when we thought we wouldn’t need a lead going in as he has gone in easily before, and he made his dash to the car to safety! Negotiated the jump and straight up through the open car window! The same dog wouldn’t jump down a two foot drop hes a big jessie! Anyway a week later and it is much improved, he takes tablets no bother and he lets me wash it very patiently! He has a possibility of a new home soon and our hearts are broken thinking of how we will miss him! But he deserves to settle in to his forever home and we can be grateful we got to enjoy him for this long! Oh and turns out the clever clogs can open doors! The open in kind! With no effort just like u or me!

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