Noah – lab x puppy *HOMED*

Noah – lab x puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Noah – lab x puppy *HOMED*

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    Hilarious watching them decide who sleeps where :lol: as always Rocky lets the Foster squeeze in with him. Noah has really settled in as you can see from the photos.


    Well Noah had great fun playing on the decking with a stick on his own for about an hour today. He’s not as timid now and he just wants to be loved..


    The wonderful Noah met his forever Mammy Ashling yesterday and it was love at first sight. He will be heading off to his new home on Friday :) :D


    Noah went to live with his new mammy Aisling today :D. As soon as she arrived to pick him up he parked himself at her feet as if thats were he belonged!!!! I know he’s going to be adored in his forever home


    Best of luck Noah you are the gentlest laid back pup I have ever met be happy and hope to see lots of updates on you.


    Noah (now responding to Toby) is settling in very well, I’m delighted to say. He had lots of visitors on Saturday and we went visiting Granny and Grandad on Sunday. It was a completely exhausted Mammy yesterday! He’s pulling on the lead a bit (hey nobody’s perfect) and we start training classes tomorrow (I need it more than he does!). He is absolutely gorgeous and so good. Loves playing with the ball and brings it back to me every time (thanks Marie for starting him on that). He has the "sit" thing down to a tee! I haven’t been able to keep him still long enough for photos, but caught one with my phone yesterday.



    Delighted its going so well, he was made for you. Can’t take any credit for how amazing he is, Hazel was his foster mammy before me. Good luck with your class tomorrow, John is great. I’d say once you have his basic training done he’d be a great agility dog, John does agility training too and I’d say Toby would be brilliant at it :D


    We had the battle of the wills 5 days in and I had no idea who won. However on Thursday when he was pulling less and running after other dogs slightly less and that has continued, I think it may have been me! He seems to be really settled in the house and garden now and getting better every day. He’s a very happy dog and very popular on the Clontarf seafront. He follows me round downstairs and is always looking for a cuddle – he usually gets them!


    Love hearing how he’s getting on. Funny how they test you to figure out who’s boss, you just have to be firm and consistent. Not at all surprised he’s so popular, bet you’ve learned all the other dogs names down the seafront but none of the owners!!!


    Noah (aka Toby) is just fantastic. I have some great photos of him now off the lead which i will post in the next couple of days. He is so happy to be off lead and so good. He is still young, so likes sniffing other dogs, but does come when called and never wanders very far away. I’m having so much fun with him. The Halti helped me a lot, and he is now pulling a lot less. My friend walked him the other day and she couldn’t believe how good he was (better than her 2 yr old). He adores his mammy and the feeling is mutual. Everybody adores him actually, cos he is such a calm and well behaved baby.


    Some new photos
    Toby off lead (4).jpg
    Toby off lead (6).jpg


    Love the photos its great to see him running free :D :D


    This photo was taken just 2 months after adoption. He’s really great and pulling less on the lead now too, thanks to the halti. He really is as good as gold.
    Toby and Ash Jul11 (3).JPG


    Gorgeous photo :D

    DID Rescue

    Delighted to hear Toby is doing well , I am sure he is really happy with his new life being loved and wanted. :)
    He was such as easy going lad for such a young pup it’s good to see him getting settled.
    Lovely photo of you both, deffo one to frame ;)

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