Noah – lab x puppy *HOMED*

Noah – lab x puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Noah – lab x puppy *HOMED*

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    This poor baby is only about 10mts old and needs urgent foster. Please, if you can help contact Kathy on 086 3696413 ;)


    This little man is gone into foster with Hazel (thanks a million) who will update soon ;) Thanks to Estelle & Audrey for doing the transport :D


    From Noahs foster mum :D

    He’s gorgeous. Beautiful shiny soft coat. Really quiet and loveable.Very obedient. He kept putting his head under my hand so I’d pet him8-) 8-)


    From Noahs foster mum :D

    This is Noah, he is with us nearly a month now and although he’s 11 months old he is very placid. He now catches frisbee, gives the paw and fetches objects unlike when we first got him. He has a very gentle personality and insists you pet him, by nudging your hand.


    :D :D :D
    Picture 310.jpg
    Picture 311.jpg

    DID Rescue

    I had the pleasure of meeting this fantastic boy. :)
    He is so sweet and gentle and not at all demanding.

    He is a very easy dog and curls up to make himself as small as possible.
    Noah would be a very easy first dog or fit in easily with other dogs as he has done in his foster home.
    I would say he is Lab x Lurcher.
    He has a very warm, loving and sweet personality.
    He really deserves a home of his own and a chance to shine and be appreciated.
    For such a young dog he is so easy going :)


    He’s gorgeous…He must be really special, i’ve never heard anyone describe an 11 month old Lab as placid :D


    Well Noah arrived this evening after his trip to the vet…don’t know if its the drugs or not but this guy is a total gent :D My gang have all made their introductions and so far so good. Will keep you posted


    Yes he is special, a big softie with perfect manners. Slept with my dogs without any bother last night and has spent the day chilling on the decking in the sun. Can’t wait til he’s fully recovered from his op(neutered) so we can really see his personality, you can see in his eyes he justs wants to play :D :D


    I transported this guy yesterday, and even tho he was severely doped up!!!, you could still see he was going to be a gentle soul :) Hope he gets a home fast as he is such a gentleman. I’d say he’d have no problems fitting into any home :)


    This Boy is a total sweetheart you forget he’s only a baby as he’s so laid back. Started to come around today and had a gentle game of ball in the sitting room…..great at bringing the ball back. Don’t think he realises his size and its hilarious when he attempts to curl up on your lap :lol: :lol: He’s quite timid but I bet after a week with my lot I’ll be taking that back. Can’t wait to take him for a walk. He will make a great companion. Definitely have to meet him to see his full potential.


    Took Noah to the vet today to check his stitches he jumped into the car, curled up and went to sleep. He was the perfect patient and even the vet said what a well behaved boy he is. He had a little play in the garden today and oh my god is he super fast. The vet thinks he’s fully grown but should fill out. Noah would suit any home i can see him being content walking jogging hiking anything once he gets lots of cuddles. He follows us around the house but is perfectly happy just with the other dogs.
    2011-05-21 14.48.35.jpg


    One of the gang…
    2011-05-21 14.44.23.jpg


    More on Noah the "perfect dog"
    2011-05-21 21.43.11.jpg
    2011-05-21 22.43.01.jpg

    DID Rescue

    Wow I can’t believe it they all look so comfy, chilled and happy to have new beds :)
    You were right about the two sharing.
    I hope you did your sewing :roll:

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