Nina – Terrier x Lurcher Puppy *HOMED*

Nina – Terrier x Lurcher Puppy *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Nina – Terrier x Lurcher Puppy *HOMED*

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    Well, I can’t believe that Nina has been with us for a month now and she is due to get her second vaccs, cant wait to bring her out with my 2 girls.. It hasn’t seemed fair to have to leave her behind up to now. Nina has settled in great with the family and is loved by all. She gets on great with other dogs and she loves the kids to bits. She follows my little Trixie around trying to copy things that she does but theres just some things that she cant do as she is bigger but its so funny watching her try. She has only had one accident in the house in the last week and when it comes to bedtime, she goes down for the night and there is not a peep out of her till the morning.. During the day she has bursts of energy and then she will usually snuggle up to Trixie, wherever she may be and have a nap..She will sit, give the paw and lie down for her treat… Trixie loves to hop up on my lap and up onto the counter beside me while I’m on the laptop and now Nina wants to join her all the time. :)


    oh linda it’s so lovely to see these pics. cant believe its a month since i last saw her :( it’s flown in! also cant believe she hasn’t been snapped up before now. she looks like she’s gotten bigger? ya gotta love those long legs :lol: she looks so happy with you guys ;)


    Linda congrats she is credit to you and soooooo adorable…..Rossi one of my own fur kids is a lurcher great dane cross and he is so gentle ….well the exception being when people arrive and there is the welcome home hoedown dance performed…..So I can vouch for this breed with hand on heart saying that all they want in life is someone to love.


    Nina is such a beautiful dog, she has blossomed under your care. I am very interested in adopting her but I will be on hols in France for 3 weeks in July, returning on 24th. If she is still without a home by then, please keep me in mind and she may be going on hols with me to France next year. I have always adopted rescue dogs and currently have Ula a huskey/collie X from LAW. Nina would be the ideal companion for Ula and my family.


    hi marier, have you filled out an adoption application form? :)


    No, I will do that now.


    I have submitted an adoption application form for Nina. Hope to hear from you soon.


    Yes Jenny, a month since we met with Nina. Time flies when you are enjoying yourself and boy we are enjoying every single minute that Nina spends here. Audrey, totally agree with you about the temperment of the Lurcher. They are so loooooovable, gentle through and through..
    We are in no hurry for her to find her forever home, although we will be happy for her. I’m sure she will enrich the lives of whoever is lucky enough to adopt her, as she has all ours :)


    I submitted my adoption form yesterday for Nina, hope it arrived as it did not state that it had. I would appreciate if you would let me know as I am so interested in having Nina join our family.

    All the best!




    You should receive an automatic response. Then a volunteer will contact you to arrange a home visit ;)



    I did’nt receive anything to say you had received it.
    Will I fill it in again?



    Met this little one as part of lindas pack earlier and shes such a happy go lucky dog..hope she gets a fab home soon. Shes just so nice and placid :) and shes got those nice long legs every woman wants :lol:


    Nina, pretty ballerina, just gets prettier by the day :) :)


    I had my Home Check at the weekend so fingers crossed that Nina will become part of my family soon. She is gorgeous.


    best of luck marier .. :D

    linda8 can’t believe how much bigger she’s gotten since that day i had her .. she’s such a beautiful dog ;) ;)

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