Niall & Niamh – Scottish terriers *HOMED*

Niall & Niamh – Scottish terriers *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Niall & Niamh – Scottish terriers *HOMED*

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    I had the very greatest pleasure of meeting Niall and Niamh today when I was picking the pair of gems up and then had the equally lovely pleasure of meeting their fab new foster mum and dad…..Arlene and John…..all three of us (humans) were delighted to see how happy they were the minute their paws hit their new home. Lovely temperments gas to see them scurrying around and they took their chance when they had it to dash up the stairs and suss out the bedrooms…..They were intrigued with the rabbits …not sure the rabbits felt the same way though…..Think they are going to have the best time in their new abode with their new foster folk…..looking forward to learning of their antics and seeing the pic’s as the next chapter of their little lives unfold……


    Delighted to hear Niall and Niamh are settled into their new foster home. Who ever gets them will be very lucky. I have my scottie Hamish nearly a month and he is amazing. Scotties are so full of fun and have big personalities. :D


    We have had Niall and Niamh almost two weeks now and they are fab dogs. They are super in the house, no accidents and love to just curl up on their bed and snooze together. The outdoors brings out their playful personality as they love to chase a ball or a toy up and down the garden over and over. They are giddy little characters when encouraged and otherwise are very content and calm dogs.

    They love to meet other canine friends on walks and get loads of attention from other walkers. They were groomed by MARTINA IN DOGGY DOOS IN SWORDS on thursday and Niall is as handsome as Niamh is pretty. They really are such a joy to look after.
    Also I now see the merits of having two dogs as they are so content to potter about and play together which is a bonus for anyone who cannot be at home all day. These chaps are a must see for anyone thinking of adopting.
    Jarls and our bump!


    They sound like absolutely amazing dogs and the fact that the two are inseperable plays on your heart strings. I really do pray that their forever home will come along, a home that will be willing to take the pair together so they can spend many happy years together knowing what a loving caring home is. Bless you Niall and Niamh.


    I hope these beautiful dogs find their Forever Home very soon.


    I hope they find the perfect home too. I have my little Scottie Hamish (Gio) and Lucy bichon from D.I.D . They play non stop and mind each other. The bond between them is so strong. The scotties are such a lovely breed and my older collie is thrilled with the company. :lol: :lol:


    Pics of Niall and Niamh


    these two make a very handsome pair , they seem very devoted to one another are they as regal as they look or is it all a bit of show to hide mischief?


    I can’t believe that Niall and Niamh have not gotten their forever home yet :o ! I know them as Denzel and Halle and used to groom them. They are the most adorable dogs ever. Halle (Niamh) has this wonderful "pearling" pigeon sound she makes when she wants attention and she definitely is the boss of them two. Denzel (Niall) is an easy going fellow, who adores his sister! I would rehome them myself, but as I have two bigger dogs in a smallish bungalow, it might be a bit much. But I can guarantee that who ever will give this incredibly cute couple their forever home will be getting the two most loving and sociable family members :) !


    :( I am withe skymoon, can’t believe it either. What smart little dogs and ‘two for the price of one’. Can’t ask for more than that!


    Have been very interested in this adorable pair. Have just submitted adoption form and look forward to hearing re home visit (please note: final page of form after clicking ‘submit’ was blank – not sure if there should be a confirmation page there?).


    These beautiful babies are heading off to their new home on Tuesday :D Their fantastic new family have promised loads of udates :D Having met this fantastic pair, I am so happy for them and cant wait to hear updates :D


    All fingers and paws crossed for you pair that you will love your forever family as much as they will love you…..Im sure the rabbits will love hearing that they have space back to themselves…Be happy my wee scottish clann

    DID Rescue

    Great news for this adorable pair……….at last they are getting the home they needed. Unfortunatley sometimes it takes time and a few hiccups and it does not help when people are not honest, but we get there in the end, at least we are always there for the dogs if anything goes wrong.
    Hopefully this is their forever home where they will be loved and appreciated which is all they deserve. :D
    Best of luck guys and have a long and happy life where you are loved and I am sure will give back ten fold. :D


    Did these two beauties go to their Forever Home today? I hope they sleep well in their new home tonight.

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