Neutering Advice.

Neutering Advice.

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    Pudge our 6 month old male is being neutered tomorrow. I just wondered if you had any advice on how to treat him for the first few days – gentle exercise or complete rest etc. Many thanks.



    The vet will most likely give you a sheet on aftercare when you pick him up.
    You restrict his walks to on lead at all times for the 10 days he has his stitches in, for the first few days only walk him for a short period, 10 mins max again on lead. Try not to let him jump around or play too much…. keep him as calm as possible.
    When he comes home he may be drowsy so make sure to have a warm cozy bed waiting for him and a small meal and water in a quiet room… dont be worried if he doesnt eat.

    With males its only a small procedure and alot of them bounce back very quickly so he should be in top form by the next day….if not straight away! :D Hugs to Pudge!


    Thanks so much – they are great tips to have. I’ve attached a recent pic too!

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