Nellie – Patterdale Terrier

Nellie – Patterdale Terrier

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Nellie – Patterdale Terrier

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    I really did get a fright, would hate to lose the little monster :| . Not heard anything from the neighbour thus far so am hoping we are off the hook :? .


    Found another hedgehog in my garden recently. Managed to get hold of it and flung it onto the grass. Sadly the creature got hold of my collar before I could grab it again – then to my delight Dudley ran passed us and grabbed it :P . I was so happy but the creature got hold of Dudley’s coat and hung on to both of us until he dropped it. Jet was no help at all :evil:
    We all had to go back into the house as it was 11.20 p.m.. The creature checked all round the garden the next day but the hog had gone :(. I will have my chance again – I promise :P




    Happy New Year everyone. Managed to chew up Jet’s blue rubber stick, she didn’t know what to do with it so I did if for her :lol: :lol: :lol: Before I managed to get the stick I tore apart my squeaky squirrel (Flo, you would have been proud of me :P ). I don’t let anyone touch the squirrel and kill it every time anyone tries to take it :twisted: . Managed to grab Dudley’s sausage on a rope a few times but the creature always catches me and takes if off me and gives it back to Dudley :( I am not at work today as its very wet and windy but the creature has gone to work – good – we will get the chance to share our granddad’s food. Jet has gone off to our uncle for the day so where is that stick? Or what’s left of it! Might even get the sausage :P :P :P Hope you all have a great time, keep up the fantastic work :D


    First HTM fun show of the year today. I entered us (Nellie and I) into the ACTUAL heel work to music which we don’t do, freestyle is our style. The judges realised very quickly :o that we shouldn’t be there but let us carry on anyway. I was told (nicely) once out of the ring. Then I was told that I had not been the only one but the others had realised the error of their way and had corrected their mistake. I REALLY should pay more attention. Anyway, they said I could tag on to the end of the class I should have been in and that was what happened. I thought they were just letting us ‘run’ again and was not in the ring for the prize giving. That was until I heard them say that Nellie had come third so I had to gallop back into the ring :oops: . The Nells Bells had gone back out to the car with Jet and Dudley for a break. It was a class of about 10 dogs and handlers so I was very pleased and very, very surprised. Not had much time to practice anything really, just the odd tricks now and again. I really must put a routine together properly rather than just go out there and bumble about with a few tricks thrown in :roll: I am sure there are some people who are quite frustrated that I don’t take it more seriously and feel I let Nellie down a bit. We came 9th in the ‘busking’ class and no, we did not come last – 10 teams entered :lol: :lol: :lol: Everyone got a little bag of dog biscuits all tied up with a little blue ribbon. There was a big sharing of the biscuits when we got home, well, I didn’t get any :evil: Took Jet into the hall for a little while and she was very good, tail wagging at everyone who walked passed where we were sitting and a couple of people spoke to her and commented on what a sweet nature she has. The next competition is 4 weeks today so I really should try and do something with both Nellie and Jet and put on a better show for everyone :P I will let you all know how we get along :D


    Well done ;)


    Indianna, I think a video is called for!! :lol: In 4 weeks we want to SEE the dance routine….. ;)


    YIKES :o :o :o :o :o Oh, the pressure!!


    Hi Indianna and Nellie,

    I just wanted to tell you about my friend Pepsi the Patterdale. She was in Dog’s Trust and they feared she would never get a home. She has scars and was terrified of everything (She really had the worst type of start to life). They tried rehoming her and it failed a couple of times. However, she was very stressed living life in kennels (Even though they were super kind to her). My granny and gramps adopted her and understood that they instruction was to leave her until she was ready to come to them. They did not mind one bit and felt they could give a home to a doggy with her special needs (They know that she needs time and love and she will blossom!)

    They had her a year and then their daughter (My mammy) adopted me to try and help her. As I was super confident and very little. I love her very much and we play together lots. As I am very affectionate, I help her to see that people are not too bad and in fact can be very kind. She is a beauty – Patterdales are! She had such a rotten time and I want to help her. She is very funny and lets me jump all over her. We walk together most days and then go back to the grandparents for treats. They have her 15 months and still she will not let grandad pet her (But she will overcome her fear to take treats from his hand when she sees me doing it). He is really kind as he just wants her life to be easier and is happy to keep waiting for her to overcome her fears. They dont mind and will keep loving her and trying to show her that people really can love doggies. I am a great help though – They all say it.

    I just wanted to share my Patterdale Pepsi story as I know Indianna follows our story and is a great Patterdale mammy. I would love to see more pics of Nellie (As I am now convinced that Pepsi is shaving as she looks just like Nellie but with short hair like velvet)

    Lots of love,
    Flo xxx


    Thanks for telling us about poor Pepsi. She will eventually learn that her very own people will always be good to her and the day will come when she will go to her grandad and what a day that will be. It’s great that she has you to guide her Flo, you really are such a star and clearly the rest of the world is starting to realise that ;) Loved hearing all about your holiday, really, I just love hearing about you. I will take various photos of Nellie so you can inspect her coat. She is quite grey around her muzzle and eyes now but she cannot be any older than 6. I don’t care because I think she is lovely :) I don’t understand why some "people" are so horrible to dogs when you see what dogs can do for us humans. Guide, dogs, assistance dogs, search and rescue dogs, sniffer dogs . . . I could go on and on :roll: Fear not Pepsi you are in a great place now and Flo will keep you right. Pay close attention to her because she is one very, very special dog and I admire her greatly from afar. Look forward to hearing about both of you now. Flo, you could be the CEO of the Patterdale club that Nellie and Pepsi and I will start, in fact it has started – I bagsy club secretary roll :lol: :lol: :lol: .


    Took Nellie to the vet to keep Jet company. While Jet was being examined Nellie put herself onto the scales. The vet laughed and said to her, "Nellie you are brilliant but the scales are not switched on." She listened to him and hopped off the scales as if she had understood him. She really is one of the best little dogs ever and I am so very proud of her :D


    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Nellie is currently sleeping on my bed, snoring her head off. She and I go to a different training class from Jet which has just started again and she does all the demonstrations. She is so good, the trainer loves her. Seems to be hedgehog time again so she and Dudley have their last garden visit on lead as I hate them killing the wildlife. That said Jet, yes Jet caught and killed a mouse about a month ago. I have seen the cat that Nellie and Dudley tried to kill when they managed to catch it in the garden :o It wanders along the back fence but if the terriers see it and start barking it’s off like a shot. So it has learned a bit of a lesson :roll: There so many lovely dogs on the site just waiting to be part of a family, to learn all the things it’s family want to teach and to be a member of your pack. My two DID rescues do their best at everything thy are asked to do, are great to have around and I wouldn’t part with them for anything. Poundies are the best :) they try so hard to fit in with our lives and I love them for it.


    Its great to hear that they are doing so well ;)


    :o Did you all hear the barking a short time ago? Nellie saw the cat walking along the back fence, I also saw it and got up for the race to the door :roll: She went tearing off (I must say at this point that the second the cat hears the barking it ‘legs it’ off the fence and away from the garden ;) Nellie runs to the door barking and Dudley clearly knows what that level of barking means, I hear bark, bark, bark, he must hear (in dog language) cat, cat, cat because he also appears from wherever he is at the time. They both race out of the door and are usually about 2/3 along the path before they can get themselves to turn left to get round to the back of the house, all done at great speed. No harm done as the cat was long gone. Jet runs to the door with the others but never actually goes outside. Nellie is now back in place watching out of the window just in case the cat returns. She is ready for action :roll: Really, there should be an action dog made of Nellie but I have the original :lol: :lol: :lol:

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