Ned – Pitbull Pup.

Ned – Pitbull Pup.

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    Meet Mr Ned – he’s a 6/7 month old pitbull pup. He’s been in foster with me for the past few weeks and is such a lovely boy.

    He came to me underweight and I think he must have just been left out in the garden and ignored :evil:

    He’s not been used to much affection but is loving it!! He is doing great now and has got his weight up. He’s fantastic with dogs, cats and people!! He just makes friends wherever he goes!!

    He’s fine on the lead but needs a bit of work on his recall! He just follows the other dogs so if I call them back, he follows!!


    With his best buddy Digger –


    Ned has gone in to be neutered this morning. He was happy as larry when I left him cos of all the rubs he was getting. I’m dreading to think what he’ll be like with his bucket collar on – he’s clumsy at the best of times!! :o

    He’s not the best traveller in the car but other than that he’s just great. He’s a big baby and just wants to be loved and cuddled.


    How is Ned after his visit to the vet? We would love to know more about him. Is it possible to come and see him? We are really interested in adopting him.


    Ned is doing great. He barely noticed they did anything to him and all he wanted to do when he got home was see the others.

    He is feeling very sorry for himself with his lampshade on though!!


    He is just tooo cute!!! haha i’d say beasley will be feeling pretty sorry for himself tonight when he gets home from being neutered!

    Do you know how pit bulls are like with other dogs? they have a reputation like staffies do and since having beasley its totally changed my outlook on these kinds of dogs they are just so sweet!


    so Gwen told me how cute this little man was……but OH man!!!! he is BEAUTIFUL!!!! I thought Scooby was the only pitbull for me…….but wowsa!!!! ned is gorgeous!!
    Keep the updates coming!!!

    ACKI1984….as for your question on pitbulls with other dogs…all dogs no matter what the breed can be good/great with other dogs, as long as they are socialised properly….kinda like humans you know….if they’re raised right- they turn into good upstanding adults!!!
    Every dog is different- therefore to brand an entire breed to be ‘not good with other dogs’ is completely incorrect, and is what has been done with the pits,. It is all about socialisation and as long as a dog is well socialised-there should be no problems with other dogs! :D
    Ned looks like he is in LURVE with Digger- so the pics speak for themselves!!


    :shock: :shock: :shock:
    He is just beautiful and such lovely soft kind eyes.
    I would love to offer this stunning boy a forever home where he’d be treated just the way he deserves. Please let me know if there would be any possibilty this happening.


    hey this guy is fabulous. :)
    i would love to offer him a forverer home, ive had home check and everything done. he would deffo be spoiled and get the best of care and attention. let me know if theres any chance. thanks x


    Ned is still getting on great. It’s nearly time for his stiches to come out but to be honest he hasnt really noticed them

    He’s such a gentle, big baby! He plods along and lets life go on around him!!

    His latest fascination is whistling. If Paul whistles a tune he stops and tilts his head from side to side trying to figure out what it is! So funny to watch.


    I would be very keen to have a look at ned to give him a new home, i live in kildare and there would be loads of space for him….

    thanks twigy



    Just wondered if theres any update on Mr Ned finding a forever home. I am still really interested and would love to be the lucky one to offer him this.

    Please let me know whay the update on his rehoming is as soon as you know!!



    Ned is still doing great. He’s getting on great with my gang and has filled out nicely (maybe even a bit too much!!)

    Here’s some pics of him relaxing in the garden today:


    Well poor Ned is still waiting on a home to call his own. He is about 8/9 months now and is doing great.

    He’s such a friendly, happy boy and I worry about his getting too settled here. We’re his family now and I’ll miss him when he goes but this special boy really deserves a great home to call his own.

    He loves his grub especially treats and likes nothing better than going for a walk. He just loves seeing all the new sights and making new friends and will happily toddle along with you.

    He loves his toys – rope toys, teddies, kongs, ball toys. He likes them all but in typical pitbull fashion he still thinks he’s tiny and his favourite toys are all puppy sized!!


    Ned hates the cold so you can imagine his delight with the weather today!!

    Here’s some pics of Ned and Pals –

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