Nala – Collie pup

Nala – Collie pup

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    I am glad everything went well for her :D


    Well Miss Nala is still coming on in leaps and bounds. She had a great morning today, with her first runabout in the snow!!!!Then her second, third forth and fifth walk of the day. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    She is in great form this weather and is having great fun with the new fur baby Twiglet.

    As much as it is killing me to say this I think she is now ready to join her forever family :( :( :(


    Liz – Nala’s really looking fabulous and it’s all thanks to you, Tony and the girls :) What a transformation from the little scared bedraggled pup you rescued a few months ago :) Hopefully Nala’s special forever family is out there ready and waiting for this gorgeous girly ;). How will you ever let her go?



    Nala has been in tip top form for the last few weeks and after all the months that she has been here I can safely say that she is house trained :D :lol: :D

    She loved the snow soooooo much she was barking to get out at every oppertunity. She really thought that it was just for her I think :lol:

    She is a fab little collie, so petite and with beautiful markings. She loves the company of other dogs and really would be unsuitable as an only dog as she looks to others to see how to behave. ;)

    Her cheeky bold streak has also started to surface and she tries to rob my slippers from my feet to play with. She adores her snugga wubba which is mad as it is the one I bought her when she first came her and then she had no interest in it, but now she can be seen carrying around the house a lot. ( I think she is afraid The Twig is going to rob it!!!)

    Will keep trying to get some new pics of her but usually all I keep ending up with is a blur and she legs it around the house with the others!


    We met Nala in Liz’s shop where she had just had a bath.She is lovely :D She was behind the baby gate with her little pal Twiglet & my 4 yr old was petting Twiglet,when Nala after watching with interest for a while came over to him & licked his hands :D .She then squished herself into a tiny bed under the counter & fell asleep :lol:


    Having met Nala, I have to say she is a absolute beauty she has a face that could melt any heart and such a gentle persona. She is a lucky girl to have such great foster parents i cant believe she hasnt been snapped up yet. I imagine she had a ball up in Castletown with all the new smells and meeting other doggies! :)


    Hi, I’d love to take a look at Nala, am hoping to adopt, have my home visit complete and passed. Who should I get in touch with? Thanks, Elaine.


    Awwww great news, when I saw she was in Happy Endings I thought someone had finally come and taken her away.

    Well done guys :D


    awh I’m delighted for you all and especially for Nala…i think she knew she was onto a good thing and had no intentions of going anywhere ;)
    She wouldn’t be the dog she is today without all of the love and hard work you put into her.
    Congrats to you all :D


    ;) It just took a while for Nala’s family to actually realise that they were indeed Nala’s family – but you got there in the end, double click and a big handful of treats all round – well done! Keep up the training of your family Nala, you are doing a grand job.


    So delighted for Nala, you’ve done so much for her I’m sure she’d be lost without you and you without her!!


    Thank you Liz xxxxx


    Congratulations Nala and all the McDonagh family that’s wonderful news! I think many of us on the board knew you would never be able to part with her (ha! ha"!) Have a happy life Nala!


    :D :D :D yay!!! well done guys :D

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