Nala – Collie pup

Nala – Collie pup

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    What a transformation :D Well done Liz- you’re obviously doing all the right things. Nala’s a little beauty and a million times better than a few weeks ago. Great work too Cassie & Sheba :D


    Well done and thanks to all. I look forward to hearing more updates on this little mite.


    She is still very very nervy but I picked her up one of those DAP collars so she has that on her now, it may not help but who knows. [/quote:11ybwz5e]

    What’s a DAP collar?


    Oh aye. I got one of the plug-in ones when I got Toto. Don’t know how much it helps but he’s very settled now. Used whine when we went out. No whining now. He’s not bothered now if we go out.


    So she’s found her growling voice eh ha ha. I bet that shocked everyone? A collie at my agility class who is quite nervy wears one of these collars and his owner swears by it although they are a bit pricey over here in England and they need to be replaced every 4 weeks. I use the cat version spray for nervous foster cats that come into care in the cattery that you can spray onto their bedding etc. It also seems to stop unhappy cats spraying too and helped my own cats settle each time I’ve moved house.


    Some new photos of Nala. She is still extremly nervous and scared but she did venture out into the garden today to see what was happening. :D

    Playing with the big girls.

    With Mia.


    It’s great to see her so happy now. She’s really coming along. Is there any guesses about how old she is now?


    Fair play Liz you have done a fantastic job with ‘the special one’!!
    Must pop up for a visit, hopefully she will still remember me!
    Well done…. shes defo a keeper! ;)


    Nala has come on in leaps and bounds in the last week. She is now eating on her own, from a bowl, will come into the kitchen with humans there and is loving playing around in the garden with the other dogs, though I know that she will miss little Mia, who went to her forever home tonight she who really brought her out of her shell.

    Playing with Mia.

    I am hoping that we are turning a corner with Nala. She is one of the most stunning looking pups that has ever stayed here. She has come over a few times and licked my hand this week and jumped up on the bed to say Good Morning. Finger crossed :D


    How are things going with this sweet little girl now?


    Nala is still coming around slowly. She is going to be assessed this week with the girls up in Dog Training Ireland who have kindly offered to let her sit in on their puppy socialisation class and see how she gets on. Her house training is very poor still and I am finding it difficult to sort it out as you cant lift her to bring her outside as she will just wet herself in fright, she is afraid of the sound of newspaper, puppy pads didnt work as the other ladies in the house thought they were toys and the crate system was a disaster. :o

    We have started to introduce her to the outside world but again she is still very scared, so its a case on slowly goes it with walks and outside excursions.

    On the brilliant positive side she is having a ball with the other dogs, playing and chasing. She loves when other dogs come to visit and gets straight in to have a good old bum sniff :lol: She is stunning looking and she is a pleasure to have around. Your heart breaks when she sneeks over to give your fingers a lick or when you wake up in the morning and she is snuggled up beside you in the bed.

    On morning patrol with Sheba for those Magpies

    Stop taking my photo!!!!

    Chilling out with the baby of the house, her new very best friend Pixie.

    DID Rescue

    Wow I cant believe Nala has got so big she has really stretched.
    God love her she has had such a bad start she just does not know how to be a dog.
    Love the photo of her minding Pixie :)
    Well done she is in the best place for her to come on and realise life is not so bad.
    She looks great now compared to the little, boney flea ridden mite Sarah took out of her car I was really shocked and wondered where we would start with her as she had so many problems.
    Well lets hope she keeps improving little by little………Well done Liz, Tony, Cassie and Sheeba for caring. ;) ;)


    How is little Nala doing now? I hope she is progressing well?


    Nala is really starting to come out of her shell in the last couple of days. She will now hop up on the couch beside you and is sleeping full time on the bed with us. She still has a long way to go. Toilet training is still a no go and she still hides when anyone comes into the house but her natural nosyiness ( is that even a word????) comes out after a few minutes and she has to stick her head into the room to see who is there. :lol:

    She is getting on brilliant with Sheba and Cassie and loves nothing better than hopping into a game of batter and flirt. Her tail is up most of the time now which I hope is a good sign and she is eating like a horse, but yet is still quite thin.

    She had a vet check last week which was great fun as her biggest fear is leaving the house, but after 20 mins of cajolling we got her in the car and the lovely Tracey up in Cara Vets was able to check her over. Medically nothing was found to be wrong during the assessment so we now move on to a behaviourist coming to the house to see her as her stress levels get outragously high when we take her out anywhere. Her temp went up to 40.5 just going to the vet. :o

    Will keep up updated on her progress have a look at her in action by clicking the link below. … Nala-2.flv


    Ah bless her Liz she’s coming on, although in small steps. Your two girls are doing her a world of good. just look at that waggy tail :D

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