Nala – Collie pup

Nala – Collie pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Nala – Collie pup

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    Little sweet Nala came into our care as a cruelty case. She was spotted in a local market by one of our volunteers. She was taken home, where it was discovered just how poorly Nala was. She was terribly underweight and was crawling with fleas. You could feel every bone in her body and she was a bag of nerves. Two of our volunteers spent their Saturday night picking fleas from her and she was then washed and received treatment for them.

    This is Nala when she was just rescued:

    Nala is now safe in a loving, warm foster home where she is learning to trust humans again. She has had the worst possible start to life and she would love to find an extra special forever home where she will never want for anything. Nala will be ready for adoption in a few weeks time and new photos will be posted up here shortly.


    Oh my god she is such a sweet little dote :) Poor little thing – how can people be so cruel :cry: This little baby needs loads of cuddles.
    P.S I want her, she’s so gorgeous :D


    Hi, any idea approximately what age she is? And also her temperament around other dogs? She looks adorable and thanks to those who rescued her. I am sure she will be snapped up for a new home when she is fit and healthy. sisi


    ah god love her Marie. she is in the best hands now give her a little cuddle from me. Good luck with her ;)


    Oh my poor little mite. If only I hadnt just lost my job recently I would take her to live with my other two irish rescue boys here in England. Makes me cry to think what she must’ve been through. She’s beautiful and will be quite stunning when shes gained weight and condition. What a pretty name too.


    How is this little girl doing now? Cant stop thinking of her. I hope all is well with her and she has settled well into her foster home and learning to trust again. Big hugs to her from us here in England


    Poor baby. Hope she is better soon and back with you in no time. She will be so confused. What was wrong with her do you think?


    Beautiful Nala came home this afternoon. The vet thought it was just a tummy bug, nothing too serious but because she is so very underweight she had not got the strenght to fight it alone. What really surprised me was that she seemed to remember being here before. Tail wagging she gave Sheba, Cassie and Casey a bit of a lip lick then went to check that we did not move the furniture since she left, all her hiding spots are still there, behind the couch and under the kitchen table. She is still very very nervy but I picked her up one of those DAP collars so she has that on her now, it may not help but who knows. She ate her dinner and has settled back in ( as much as before) so watch this space. I will post some pics soon.


    She’s adorable, and it’s terrible what happened to her!

    I’ve been trying to convince my parents to get me a dog for a while. I have a really good argument but they keep refusing.

    Rest assured, if my parents give in before she’s rehomed I’ll be there within two seconds!


    So pleased this little girl has settled back with you after her few days at the vets. Lets hope she will continue to progress and gain weight. My little Madden was extremely underweight when he came to me and was on a drip 2 weeks before coming to me but with love and care he is a beautiful boy and at agility classes recently they said he’s become a little too podgy now!! Who would have thought it! I’m sure Nala will do well like him in your care. How are you pronouncing her name is it "nayler" or "narla" out of interest? Can’t stop thinking about her she is gorgeous!!


    Well Nala is back to full health after her tummy bug and is now beginning to put on some weight.

    Nala still has a few issues that we need to work on. She will not eat out of a food bowl for me, prefering to be hand fed her or take her food directly from the floor. Yet if you place food or a treat on the floor she will run and grab it, behaving like she is robbing the food. ;)
    She is still very frightened of humans. She has been here 3 weeks and still will run and hide when we come into the room. She has come around to the other dogs now though so its all a step forward.
    She is stunning looking, and when she does come over for a head run or to take some food it makes it all worth while.


    So pleased to hear she is beginning to put on weight now. She really is a very pretty girl. How old do you think she is?


    What a difference!!! She’s a beauty … well done to you and the person who rescued her!!!!!! :D


    Well little Nala seems to be coming along :D she is mixing well with Sheba and Cassie and we can now use them to bring her along.

    She has now fallen into the comfort trap the is Cassie’s ample ass!!!!!!! She can be found cuddling up here any chance she gets.

    Her "food issues" are still ongoing but she is slowing starting to learn that the food bowl is her friend and not her enemy. I spoke to the fantastic Maureen Byrne today and we are going to start using food as a lure and reward to get her to approach us humans. ;)
    She is still extremely nervous and the smallest thing will send her scurrying behind the couch. Clothes on the washing line seemed to be the scary thing today but she really is starting to show improvement with everyday that passes.

    She loves her t shirt (great idea Suzi and Marie) and seems to take comfort having it on.
    I will update again next week.


    It is really fantastic how you have helped Nala. To see the first photo and this more recent one, I realise that given time, love and patience most animals can be transformed. I admire the care and attention you have given to this beautiful dog and for sharing it with us all

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