Nadine – Springer x Collie *Homed*

Nadine – Springer x Collie *Homed*

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    she really is audrey and a pleasure to foster.
    eva, her forever mammy is getting an amazing doggie :D :D
    you can nearly see her smile when she is out walking


    Ah, I can’t wait to have her with us, she is coming on great as i can see from the photos, thanks you Tara, Woody will be so happy to have another walking companian again, he really misses that since Bo passed away. :( but we will be all happy again to have this little one with us… :)


    the best dog in the world went and got spayed today.
    and in true amber form she was an angel,the staff at the vets thought she was great and everything went well.
    she is still groggy and dazed but by tomorrow she will be back to herself.
    each week she amazes me more. yesterday we met a beagle and amber was a proper lady and had a wee sniff then sat and chilled beside the dog while i taked to the owner. this is a girl who a month ago had no human or doggie contact.
    so this is a giant step forward for headin to you eva,not long now :lol: :lol:


    Ah, we can’t wait until the day we can collect her, she will have changed so much since i last saw her in terms of having more confidence and trust in people, you have done a great job with her Tara ;)


    Met the amazing Amber today and what a heart melter…..she is such a warm little lady…..such a calm and soothing nature….her new forever family have no idea what a darling she is going to be for them. Also met her foster sis Carley who is always in charge and foster bro Bailey who is a pushover….both characters who have made Amber come in her confidence….Tara congrats you and your husband have taken super care of the Amazing Amber ….will be thinking of you all Saturday when she steps out into the next happy chapter of her life to her forever family.


    Well my the beautiful Amber went off with her new mammy today.
    It was hard to say goodbye but it was made all that more easier to know what a great family she is goin to :D
    I was delighted to get a text to say Amber and her new brother are getting on great and were going on a walk together,so I can’t wait for the pictures ;)


    Ah, thanks for looking after little Amber Tara, she is such a sweetheart, she is still trying to suss everything out around her but as each hour goes on she is finding it easier, I’d say after a few days she will really be flying. We got her home, my brother had to go to work so my plan of Amber and Woody meeting on neutral ground didn’t quite go to plan, but once I had closed the gates after bringing the car in, my mother let Woody out from the backyard and he was so excited to see her, they got on like a house on fire. We then went on a short 30 minute walk, Woody did his usual, walking, running, sniffing and swimming while Amber was such the elegant and quiet little girl just walking on her lead, she is such a joy, everybody loves her in the house. Tomorrow morning now we will go for our usual longer walk. She is a bit scared when Woody runs up the back yard barking at cats and anything else he can bark at :lol: and she runs back into the house, :lol: but as the hours are going by she seems to getting used to listening to him and stays out in the garden looking alert at what is going on, I can’t wait until we can hear her voice, at the moment I think she is just a bit shy and unsure so is afraid to use it. I will post up some photos of the two of them in the next few days but we are just loving having her here, Woody so missed his doggie companionship since Bo passed away and he is already loving his new little sister as he licks her face and ears all the time, ah, a sign that things can only get better and better…. ;)


    I’m so happy for you all :D
    In no time you will hear her voice,she bloody hates magpies so she usually gets rowdy when they chatter. There will be no stopping her and Woody :lol: :lol:


    Ha ha, theres plenty of magpies around here for Amber to natter at. Her first night went great, there wasn’t a peep out of her, this morning we went for an hours walk by the canal, Amber stayed on her lead and Woody went swimming, she seems to want to follow Woody wherever he goes, they are getting on great. She hasn’t ate much but this could be due to the change in atmosphere, im sure she will get back to normal in the next few days :) will try to get some photos today ;)


    Little Amber has found her voice, she barked yesterday when Mia came back from the shops and knocked on the door.. :lol: . I have a few photos of her but haven’t downloaded all of them yet so will have better ones in the next few days. I think little Amber has become very attached to me as my sister said she howled the house down when I went out to work this morning and was running around everywhere looking for me, ah the little sweetheart, I will be back later to take her and Woody out for a long walk, she is loving going for her walks, doesn’t pull on the lead, well, only when she is trying to catch up to Woody, :lol:


    Sounds like she is settling in great Eva, she really needs a brother like Woody to show her the ropes.
    She does love to protect the house from all who dare to ring the bell or knock :lol:
    Aw the poor petal fretting for you! once she realises you do come back this will get easier, but what can she do,she loves her mammy ;)


    am really happy to hear Amber has gone to her forever home, She is so so so so so lovely. I really believe she will give you many years of happiness. She is so lovely. I am so glad i found her when i did. She probably would have ended up living in the back of someone’s garden tied up for life, It just doesn’t seem fair does it, such a gorgeous dog could have had that life… But all that is in her past!! she had a great time learning about life with her fosterer and now she is all set to live a really happy life with Eva… so happy for her and Eva, good luck Amber, thank you tara for doing everything you did for her..


    photos of the little babe, this was just on her second day with us, herself and Woody are much more interactive with each other now so will have to upload some better photos of them


    She really is a little angel, she is so cute and really really quiet, its hard not to love her to bits. She is getting on better as each day goes on, today I even got her to eat some of the hills science plan food so things are looking up, now that she is starting to eat she seems to be getting a sense of normality now in our house, even jumping up to have a cuddle on the sofa, she doesn’t do it with everybody, just with me for now. :lol: You were right Tara about her opening doors with her teeth, :lol: , my sister told me yesterday when she fretted when I left the house to go to work she tried jumping up to the handle on the front door to open it with her teeth, she is so clever, ha ha. This evening I am taking her to be registered with my vet, they will all love her there as well, she is such a sweet little girl


    Well, Amber is with us just over a week now and its like she has been with us for years, her voice is loud :lol: and believe me she uses it alot, :lol: , when she hears somebody opening the gate or when somebody knocks on the door. She is now eating normally and i am very happy about this, I’m also delighted for our Woody who now has a great playmate, they are always running around the garden chasing each other or when they are in the house they play bite with each other. I’ve put some photos up of them playing tug of war with a stick yesterday in the garden :lol:

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