Nadine – Springer x Collie *Homed*

Nadine – Springer x Collie *Homed*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Nadine – Springer x Collie *Homed*

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    Nadine is 18mts old and needs urgent foster. She has spent most her life out the back without any human contact or walks. She really needs a special foster home so if you can help please Kathy on
    086 3696413 ;)


    This is sorted now thanks to Tara :D


    thanks to alfie for droppin this young lady up to me today.
    i can only describe her as elegant,she has an amazing temperament. very shy but she uses her nose to suss out the world around her,and usually dogs who use their nose are extremely easy to teach,so watch this space!!!

    she has no clue how to play and poor bailey is doin his best to teach her :roll:
    this baby needs lots of t.l.c and believe me she will get it here :D
    she is great with other dogs and seems to have formed a bond with cassie. and no better doggie to learn from, im hoping cassies independance and confidence rubs off on her :lol:
    she is fantastic with kids,she looks for rubs when they walk in. but is gentle and would not jump up on them (what a lady!!)

    we are calling her Amber,because she has stunning amber eyes.


    i just wanted to let you know how this sweethearts first night went.
    she was fantastic,not a peep from lights out till half eight when i came down and woke her.
    for a dog that was never socialised she is a fast learner,herself and cassie are best friends. cassie was flingin a sock around the back garden and amber watched her for ages and then let loose and played with her :lol: and each hour that passes she comes more and more out of her shell.
    she is a perfect family dog,she will never jump up on adults or small kids,some of my girls friends were in today and she just goes over sniffs and gives the most gentle lick.
    she came for a nosey upstairs today and she jumped straight up on my bed but we didnt mind. we were chuffed she felt comfortable enough to do this. :lol:
    she brings a sence of calm with her when she enters the room and im loving having her here.
    some lucky family out there will get a real gem when they adopt this young doggie.


    nadine / amber is coming on in leaps and bounds.
    she is getting great at playing with other dogs,she found her voice and likes to use it when playing :lol: her favourite is tug of war,fetch still scares her a bit.
    last night she snuck up on an armchair and curled up and went to sleep. some people may think this is a no no but we were sooooooooooo happy to see this. she is really learning to relax with us.
    she is loving goin for a walk. for the first few minutes its like walking a centapede cos she zig zags around sniffing,but she soon relaxes and enjoys herself.
    i had my 2 year old niece up and amber was very gentle and gave her plenty of space,even when she was followed getting told she is "kute" :lol:
    this girl is amazing,and if you think you can offer her a stable, loving and relaxed life contact the admin staff.


    my god i should be ashamed of myself. no new pictures, thats not like me :lol:
    ill definetly get some up tomorrow.
    nadine/amber is just the best dog ever!!!
    she has met lots of doggies and gets on great with all, rangeing from tiny terriers to neopolitan mastiffs and an akita who took a shine to her ;)
    she is the most easy going girl,she is still nervous and can be unsure in new situations. but she isnt even with us 2 weeks so thats to be expected.
    she becomes a confident and very very happy doggie on her walks and she doesnt pull. she loves to run and she has the funniest trot!!she knows the back/heel and stop command. sit is a work in progress,but she is lovin the treats with allllll the practice :roll:
    so pictures tomorrow,i promise………….


    I was involved with this girl getting a rescue space, and i really want to say thank you to Tara for fostering her, and to DiD for taking her. She is so gorgeous. When i met her, i fell for her straightaway, she was so kind and gentle with me, she was tied up to an old bath, on a really short tie out!!! But i could see straight away she was a gentle girl. When i drove her to Kinnegad, she was so good in the car, she had never been in a car, she just sat in the backseat, and enjoyed the drive, I cried a little when i said goodbye to her, just out of happiness, as i knew when i dropped her off at kinnegad, her life would only be getting better. I really hope she gets a forever home soon, she really deserves it. I was so happy i could help this gorgeous girl out. Tara, you are doing a great job with her. Thank you so much. If i wasn’t living away from home, i would have fostered her myself. She is so stunning. If anyone remembers Tally the collie cross from 2007, she is the spit of her. I must put up a pic of Tally, my first ever foster dog from DiD. Thank you again so much Tara for taking her in. I really appreciate it..


    hi Tara,mark here,the owner of that frisky akita.wondering if nadine has been rehomed,think she’d be perfect for my mam and her shy king charles.gimme a call or txt on 0857151042.cheers.


    as promised :D :D
    they were havin a blast out in the garden,had many many blurred photos as they leggged it around!!!


    Hi Tara, she is the sweetest little girl and I loved her both times that I met her, you have done a great job with her, bringing her out of her shell, she would be a great companian for our Woody. :)


    aw thanks eva,but to be honest she is just a great dog nothin to do with me. she just needed to be let be herself :D
    fingers crossed everythin goes well because i know you really loved her,woody REALLY loved her :lol: :lol:


    this lovely lil girl gets better and better each day!
    the other night she slinked up on the sofa beside dave,very cute to see her relaxed enough to trust us. i think she has become a bit of a man girlie and she snuggles in beside him whenever she can even when he is sittin on the smaller armchair,she fell asleep with one leg on the floor cos she couldnt fit earlier :lol:
    we tried her recall today. it was good,she followed cassies lead. she had such a great time beltin around the field with them. she is really really fast and wore my 2 out.


    i was very proud of this girl gettin her needle and microchip yesterday. there wasnt a peep out of her. what a brave girl :lol: :lol:
    in my last post i said she is a man girlie,turns out she is just a sofa girlie,she loves to curl up beside anyone on the sofa and snooze.


    amber REALLY loves her walks and the company of other doggies.
    i had a great plan to walk her first then walk my 2 cos the hubby was out. but when i tried to leave her in the kitchen she was not impressed. was just about to leave and she OPENED the kitchen door and came out all happy and wriggly. hope it was a fluke :lol: :lol:


    The couch cuddler is such a clever little girl…

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