Munchie – Staffie

Munchie – Staffie

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Munchie – Staffie

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    Well Mr. Beasley is getting on great he’s become one of the family! Still a bit nervous and if he has an accident in the house you can tell right away as he cowers on the stairs but doesnt happen very often. he’s still a bit overweight but working on that! He looks exactly like isabella the other staffie that is being fostered think they could be brother and sister! I’ve posted some new pics of him in his new colar and lead think it makes him look even more friendly if thats possible!


    Well i am officially becoming a failed fosterer! We are adopting mr. Beasley! He is part of the family and we love him so much and are so happy! Will still be fostering and will give updates! :D :D


    Well Done, welcome to the club….. he is a cracking looking dog and from your posts he sounds like a great dog to have .keep us posted with his antics and pics .Well done again … :D


    Hey Congrats Astrid :D Bet Mr. Beesley is delighted too, the little dote. :D Wishing you many happy years together :lol:


    Well Beasley is very happy I am back home and is having a great old time! As he will not walk in the rain we have come up with a solution that seems to work and he doesnt mind! We are so glad we kept him and look forward to getting another doggie to foster :D

    Beasley is his new yellow raincoat :D :D
    :lol: :lol: :lol:


    We’ve had Mr. Beasley for almost 5 months now and couldnt be happier with him! :D :D He has completely changed our minds about staffies, they are the most lovable and loyal doggies ever! Beasley is really great with all our other foster doggies and pups we’ve had and is really great with kids just rolls on his belly to say hello! We are so glad we decided to keep him, thanks to everyone at DID espically Gwen for helping us out! Here are a few pics from today, 4th of july of him wearing his american flag t-shirt and waiting for the rain to stop so we can lite up the BBQ!

    Um when do the burgers get to go on? I’m hungry!

    I can taste them already!

    This t-shirt thing isn’t so bad, kinda comfy!


    I love his t-shirt but he may need his little yellow raincoat today :lol:


    your gas guys! funniest update ever! give the irish american dog a big hug from me! enjoy the day ;)

    Beasley is great with our new kitten Ziggy, have to say this is one brave kitten tho!


    That is such a cute video…


    Well I’ve had Mr. Beasley for almost a year now, cant believe its been that long! He is doing great! Still loves his comforts and still sleeps almost 22 hours a day! Beasley loves other dogs and is esp interested in playing with cats (although they usually just run away haha)! We are gearing up to move back to the states later this year so hopfully he will become a us citizen soon haha! Just some updated pics for ye….

    Ps. you’ll have to excuse his weight, we both went a bit mad with the yummy food over christmas!

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