Mosha – 8mt old Husky x Collie*HOMED*

Mosha – 8mt old Husky x Collie*HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Mosha – 8mt old Husky x Collie*HOMED*

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    This beauty is gone into foster with Jen who will update soon ;)

    DID Rescue

    This is one fab girl all she wants to do is lick and cuddle you.
    She is very young and to date has not known what it is like to be loved, belong or be part of a family.
    She is so pretty ;)


    Hey there, sorry about the delay. We’ve had this girl for just about a week now. She is doing great and is starting to chill out with us which is great. She loves loves loves cuddles. All she wants to do is be with you. She loves kids. She follows my 10 year old around so much! She really loves being with him. She even escaped out of the kitchen one night and I found her asleep outside his bedroom door! So sweet. She also has the softest fur I’ve ever ever come across!!!!!!!! "She’s so fluffy I’m gonna die" doesn’t even cover it!!

    She has been a bit stand offish with my dog, but it’s only to be expected really when coming into a new hosue for the 1st time. Today was the first day that she really started to play with them! It was so cute to see :) She was popcorning all over the place!! (Getting down really low and jumping up around them wanting to play! YouTube guinea pigs popcorning and you’ll get the jist! :) )

    She’s 90% housetrained and is a great grubber. She is emaciated under all that fuzz though. Hopefully she will start to fill out while with us. Despite being so skinny she has the softest mouth. She never ever snaps food out hands. She knows how to sit, give the paw and lie down!! She’s a lovely lady altogether :)

    I have some pictures here but she is so much more beautiful in the flesh!


    What a beauty!!!! We sadly had to say goodbye to our beloved boxer recently and would love to get another pet to love :-) Think Mosha is only beautiful!!! Where is she based? Ahwww, cant stop looking at her pictures. She deserves to find her forever family really quickly!


    Mosha is a beaut alright. Most DID dogs are based in the Leinster region, but some of our fosterers are further afield. If you would like to adopt Mosha please complete an adoption application form. You can access the form and read about how the adoption process works here; [url:oihk5aey][/url:oihk5aey]


    Hey there Bratz,

    Sorry about the delay. Yes Mosha is still available (Or Mush mush as we call her :) ) Mosha was just too close to Moshi Monsters! lol.

    I live in Dublin so she’s here with me. She’s getting on great. She’s in heat at the moment so updates would be kind of boring at the mo as I can’t really bring her out etc!! She’s such a great girl tho. Constantly has us in stitches with her antics! She absolutely loves people. She is definitely a family dog. Loves kids especially. She’s filling out niely too and now gets on fantastically with my dogs. If you want to ask anything about her just let me know :)



    Absolute stunner – if I didn`t have 2 already I possibly couldn`t resist this one :)


    She is just stunning! Will fill in adoption form :)


    Update on this fab girl :D

    "HI Claire,

    Just an update for you on Mosha with a few pics attached. To say all is going well is an understatement. She has become a different dog since we first got her. Completely settled and queen of her castle. She is now off leash when in open space with her fav spot being Sandymount beach and Bull Island. My son John and his girlfriend bring her every Saturday, with her now favorite Lab, Stan. Mind you, half of Sandymount beach comes back with her in her coat, hoover worn out almost!….

    Hope you enjoy the photos and are finding good homes for all those that need them,

    Happy Christmas to you, Jen and all at DID,

    Rory , Sue , John ,Kevin , and Mosha."


    She´s adorable, absolute teddy bear! So happy for you all!


    Gorgeous Maya was rescued last year through Dogs in Distress. She has come on in leaps and bounds in her first year in her new home, and was surprisingly delighted with her trip to the vets today! It’s so great to see a dog who may not have had a chance, be so happy and in such a loving home.


    What a pretty dog :) A whole year of happiness, I wish you and your family many more.

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