Mollie – 8yr old westie x – HOMED

Mollie – 8yr old westie x – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Mollie – 8yr old westie x – HOMED

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    This little lady is wormed, vaccinated, microchipped & neutered :)
    Picture 073.jpg


    This little lady is gone into foster with Evelyn (Tobys mum), thanks a million :D


    Sorry for the delay in posting up about Molly. I’ve been trying to upload photos from my phone but without success. I’ve sent them to Kathy and asked her to post them up for me.

    Well, Taffy and I collected little Molly on Saturday afternoon and I think she was a bit unsure of herself and the surroundings for the first few hours. It’s amazing how alike in looks and size they both are, I wouldn’t have guessed it from her photo.

    Molly is adorable, very sweet and gives lots of licks. Loves being petted and having her tummy tickled – would lie there all day happily receiving such attention. She is very content in herself, she doesn’t ask for much – is happy to lie on the spot on the sofa which she claimed but also loves when its time for walkies – she does a little dance as if to say, ‘hurry up, lets go’. She is very good on the lead, no pulling at all, just happily rambles along, giving the odd sniff and stopping for pees. She is so funny, she sort of lifts her leg to pee, rather than squats! I believe she was used to wet food/pouches but I’ve been feeding her Toby’s Royal Canin kibble and she loves it – eats it without a problem. She is good too in that she doesn’t look for food from the table (unlike his nibs). She is also fully house trained – so no accidents, not even when coming into new surroundings.

    I know its early days, but I don’t think she is too keen when Taffy comes over to say hello and tries to play but she was an only dog for the last 6 years so may not have had much experience of other dogs. They now sit on their separate sofas more or less ignoring each other. Perhaps she would be best suited in a home where she would receive all the love and attention – she is such a dote, you couldn’t help but give her lots of cuddles and you are well rewarded with lovely licks. All in all, a perfect, sweet little girl.


    :D :D
    Picture 110.jpg
    Picture 111.jpg
    Picture 112.jpg


    Thanks Kathy for putting up the photos. The first two show Mollie claiming her spot on the sofa and the third was taken after our walk on Killiney Hill – all flaked out. Usually I’m sitting in the middle there between them, with an arm on each of them, curled up beside me :D

    Little Molly continues to be a little pet. She is so good and trusting (except with her food – she has a little bit of food aggression, that’s why I think she would be better as an only dog).

    Taffy sleeps in my bedroom and I felt really bad leaving Molly downstairs on the sofa each night but there wasn’t a sound out of her – she was good as gold all night. Then in the mornings I’m welcomed with lots of licks – I can’t emphasise enough how good she is. I would love to keep her with me but unfortunately she and Taffy don’t get on. In different circumstances, I definitely would be looking to adopt her – she is so lovable and cute.

    If you want a cuddle merchant who demands nothing but gives lots of love in return then Molly is the dog for you. She really deserves a very special and loving home of her own.


    She is adorable, I don’t think she will be waiting for long for her forever home.


    Isn’t she just! I do hope she’s not waiting long – she really deserves to have a forever home to call her own. I got around my photo upload problems and have another few of her.

    Posing for the camera:

    Waiting for dinner:

    Playing with the kong:

    Such a cutie :)


    Sweet little Molly, such a pet :)

    She and Taffy started to interact a little more last night – they were checking each other out and having a playful scrap with each other!

    Molly loves the TV! I’ve never actually seen a dog watch it before – amazing. But she didn’t like ‘It’s me or the dog’ the other night – went straight over to see what was happening with these dogs :D

    There’s a new cat in the neighbourhood who is tomenting the two of them – they joined forces to chase him away when he dared to appear on the back wall :D

    Oops, I’ve just realised that all the photos were taken indoors :oops: But we do go out for a few walks each day – honestly! Molly really loves them and gets so excited when she hears we’re going :lol:


    I have a few more photos of the gorgeous Molly. I know I’ve said it before, but she is absolutely perfect in every way. Such a lovely little lap dog who loves to be held in your arms and petted. She is so good – goes straight into bed when told, loves going for walks, is a good eater.

    Molly in her (or rather Taffy’s) bed:

    Molly looking for a tummy rub:

    On our walk:

    Such an absolute dote. I’m really so fond of her.


    She is a dote, no wonder you are fond of her. Cant believe she has not been asked to pack her case to head off to her forever home. She looks like she has plenty of go in her so her age should not be an issue for many years to come.
    Indianna what do you think?


    she seems such a darling! and thriving under your care. nice to see the two getting on- joint forces against the cat! Love it! :lol:
    hope she finds her home soon


    Mollie is now staying with me because there were some issues between her and the other dog at her previous house.
    She is just adorable and if I could make a long term commitment I’d be keeping her myself but that’s sadly not an option.
    She’s very quiet and fully housetrained. There were a couple of accidents the first two nights ’cause she didn’t know the routine but nothing since then. She’s happy to just lie quietly for most of the day in whatever room you’re in apart from a little burst of playful energy around 2pm.
    She loves the Dog Whisperer on TV – she’ll sit up and watch the whole show. I’ve never seen anything like it!
    I really hope someone with the right situation can offer her a forever home soon before I fall madly in love with her. She would fit right in with anyone. An older person would find her very easy and great company and she’s very gentle so would be great with kids also.


    Thanks Tara for taking little Molly in to your home. It was great to meet you last night and really lovely to see Molly again – I was delighted with the welcome I got from her – lots of lovely kisses.

    I was really sorry to have to let her go, but it just wasn’t fair on either her or Taffy to keep her with me as they just didn’t get on together.

    Like you, I hope that she gets a forever home of her very own very soon. After all these changes she really deserves a very happy ever after. Little sweetie.


    She is just too cute! She sits up and watches TV – her favourite is the Pedigree add for doggie dentures. Right now she’s playing with the little teddy you brought her.


    aahhh she looks so sweet :) hopefully she will have a home soon :)

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