Misty – Terrier x * reserved *

Misty – Terrier x * reserved *

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Misty – Terrier x * reserved *

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    Cathy Byrne

    Oh my God is’nt she growing up just the sweetest little thing.Thank you so much for the photos!Don’t suppose there is any chance I will be getting her back :D


    Eh no way Cathy, sorry! She is staying right here. She is growing so fast, my parents were away for the week and came back and couldn’t believe how tall she has gotten. As I write this she is having a massive argument with her bed. In fact she seems to be relocating it into the middle of the sittingroom floor. Nancy is totally mad, she is a demon for biting at the moment, and seems to think I am fair game for nipping whatever chance she gets (except when she is tired). She is also a giant bundle of fun and we love her so much. Our vet won’t give her her boosters until the 18th of October but I am dying to get her out on a walk to the park. We’ve been practicing on the lead in the garden….. I will keep forwarding phots of her.


    Nancy (The dog formerly known as Misty) is doing great. We started to train her seriously with the aid of rich tea biccies. She is now sitting, staying and fetching. Her toilet training is fantastic and today is the first wee free day on the kitchen floor! She is getting bigger by the day and is a pure delight. Nancy is getting her boosters on Friday so roll on Saturday, when she gets to experiance the real world on her lead.

    Cathy Byrne

    Delighted to hear my little girl is getting on so well,she was always a clever little thing and I told you she would wrap you around her little finger,she is so pretty.
    I always love the first time a puppy gets to go for a walk,the amazed look on their faces seeing all these new things for the first time and all the new smells wow this is what sniffing is really all about.It is like hey look at me I am all grown up now prancing along.We have had a couple that were on 2nd shots and could go for a walk with Nelson and they really thought they were great,we just had to laugh at the size of the little things running along beside him thinking they were great,it can be the same when there is little babies and it is warm enough to go out the back garden and they feel the grass on their little paws for the first time.
    You know happy endings like Misty makes fostering so worth while especially when her new family like some others do realise how important it is to foster families to get updates now and again and let us know how the little ones that we have all cried over when they are leaving us are getting on.Love to all!


    Well our Nancy is stretching into a little supermodel, her body is still quiet small but her legs have started to get longer and longer. We are convinced there is a bit of whippet in her, when she runs the ears go right back, her legs meet in the middle like a greyhound and she is a little flyer. During the week I came down to find her with one of her ears stuck up, it hasn’t come down yet, she looks so cute. HEr biting has got a bit stronger and I got my first war wound from her this morning….any advise to stop it is welcome. I was told to give her a toy everytime she starts to chew on me, except she prefers me to any of her toys. She has also taken to lying on my shoulders between me and the couch when I’m watching the tele. Nancy is giving us so much joy, she is such a little character (forgot to tell you about her mad spurts – she just goes crazy darting around the house – nothing in particular sets her off, but it’s so funny to watch).
    Oh and Nancy loves going for her walks now and is a very sociable little so and so. Lots of people stop to ask what she is and we tell them all about DID and have directed some to the website. Also jokingly we’re calling her the ‘pommier’ seeing as she is mix between a pom and a terrier. Sorry to have missed the walk yesterday but it was for a very good reason. Cathy, I hope your back is getting better.



    Ah she is gorgeous Sarah and a real credit to you :D

    Cathy Byrne

    She has turned into a little heartbreaker and all credit to you guys for your obvious devotion to her,photos are beautiful.


    Thanks Cathy and Fidelma, sure we’re crazy about Nancy. She is just such a character. At the moment she is going mad as she had her ‘op’ last Tuesday and is sporting a beautiful plastic lampshape to stop her from getting at her stitches. It certainly has not calmed her down! Cathy, any word on her siblings? I’d love to see how they are getting on.


    Hi, Misty looks great. We adopted her sister Polly. Here’s a link to Polly’s forum page with her latest pics viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3250&start=20

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