Millie – Collie *Reserved*

Millie – Collie *Reserved*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Millie – Collie *Reserved*

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    I picked up this sweet little dog from the pound today and brought her to the vets. She has to stay in overnight to get her dewclaws removed as they’re both too infected to save so hopefully she will be more comfortable tomorrow when I pick her up to take her home for Christmas. She’s really sweet, she freaked out in the car but just lay down and wanted to be cuddled in the vet. She’s a beautiful dog, lovely wise eyes. With a bath and some feeding up she’s going to make a wonderful pet. I can’t believe someone would be so heartless to leave her but now she’s embarking on her new life so best not to dwell on her past. I’m looking forward to introducing her to Boo, I’ve told him he’s getting a girlfriend for Christmas, he wagged his tail in approval :)


    Thanks Catherine and Boo xxx


    Millie’s settling in really well, our house is full of people and she’s a bit shy at first but comes up for a cuddle very quickly. She’s eating today and has more energy, she really enjoyed her walk but will try to slip her lead if she can! She’s a bit cranky with Boo but started playing with him today, I have to keep an eye on them but it’s mostly fine. She’s very loving, puts her head on your lap and just loves to be rubbed. She’s very polite with food and taking treats and she’s very well housetrained. She didn’t even mind me opening her mouth and popping medication down her gob. She’s very much a gentle lady for now! She’s on antibiotics for her infected paws and has a bit of a cough, hopefully these will clear up soon, she doesn’t seem that bothered. All in all a lovely dog, a great addition to a household.


    How is Millie getting on now? Poor little thing, can’t believe they just abandoned her! I am hoping to adopt a dog. We already have a little terrier cross who loves other dogs. He’s very playful and loves being chased by other dogs in the park. I wonder how they would get on!


    Hi all,

    Just wanted to say myself and my daughter went to see Millie today. She is an absolute dote. Gorgeous looking dog too. She’s with Catherine and Boo, ( Boo is a real little gem too ). :D
    Thanks for inviting us to your home Catherine at short notice to meet her.


    Millie’s doing really well, she’s putting on weight and her dew claws don’t seem to bother her. She loves to be brushed and cuddled and is very good on the lead and has great recall. She’s such a lady, she just pads along behind you for most of the walk and then goes for a little wander and a sniff every now and again.She’ll need a bit of help learning to play nicely but she’s learned to put up with Boo and his constant harassment so I don’t think it will take long :) All my friends and family have fallen in love with her, I’ve assured them she’ll be going to a fantastic home just like she deserves. Boo will be heartbroken, he thinks she’s the best thing since sliced pan.


    a friend of mine from work has adopted millie a good while back now but just thought od update a little !!!
    anytime millie comes up in convo i hear she is doing really really well … loves her walks and has fit in great with her lovely new family i havnt heard them say anything negative about this girl at all … so yes this girl is doing great in her forever home where she will be staying for keeps :D😀

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