Mia – 2yr old Springer Spaniel x – HOMED

Mia – 2yr old Springer Spaniel x – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Mia – 2yr old Springer Spaniel x – HOMED

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    Well Holly(formally Mia) came to visit for a few days while her folks were at a wedding…..

    she is still a total sweetheart and took having 5 dogs to play with totally in her stride the only toy she wanted was a ball and the only attention she wanted every now and then was a rub and a snuggle…..her tail wags non stop when you talk to her and she is a smiley baby…

    The only down side is that as soon as I took out the camera she goes all shy and coy…so the pictures were limited and we had to ambush her on a couple.

    None of her pictures were on our walks as I just hadn’t a hand free. But she was no trouble and loves her walks and is a pleasure to have the company of.

    2012-12 Christmas Part 3 003.JPG
    2012-12 Christmas Part 3 002.JPG
    2012-12 Christmas Part 3 004.JPG

    DID Rescue

    She looks fantastic and she is another very happy ending :)
    Lovely girl and so deserved a second chance.
    So delighted DID were there to make a difference :)


    2012-01 Phone Pictures 015.JPG

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