Mia – 2yr old Springer Spaniel x – HOMED

Mia – 2yr old Springer Spaniel x – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Mia – 2yr old Springer Spaniel x – HOMED

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    This beautiful girl is approx. 2yrs old. She is small to medium in size and fully grown. She is great with other dogs and loves travelling in the car.

    First picture in the pound

    Second picture in fabulous fostercare



    This little girl is sorted, thanks to Julie & Dave ;)


    Well where do we start!? Dave picked up the beautiful Mia from the pound yesterday and the poor pet was in a bad way. Her hair was matted and she has a distinct smell of kennel off of her shall we say! Straight into the bath and a good chop with the kitchen scissors and shes a much more inviting prospect for a cuddle! We really need to shave her but she nearly lost her life with the noise of the razor so Dave kept goin cutting and Peter Mark he ain’t :lol: ! Anyway shes a dote can’t believe her luck with a warm bed and grub in her tummy. Loves chasing a stick and sits on command, also loves Yazz’s armchair which tells me she was a house pet. Shes a typical poundie eats like she will never be fed again :cry: poor baby! Will make a really lovely pet for some lucky family! Pics up when we get her looking presentable!


    Lovely little dog Mia. Had her out for a big walk today let her off to see how she got on..Very good recall which was surprising.

    House trained too which was more surprising again.Getting on fine with my two after the initial battle for dominance (Mel won) she just keeps to herself which suits Mel.A really quiet little thing loves her sleep and the belly rubs.Shes adorable when anyone comes into the house with her little (freshly trimmed tail wag)..

    Im amazed she was in the pound.She was in terrible condition.her hair was badly matted and it was an issue for her going to the toilet and walking..temporarily fixed that issue.

    She doesnt seem to be food aggressive I tried her out with a few things and she seems to be learning well from yazz (the pro)..Ill get a few pics up in the next day or two.


    Few pics shes camera shy


    I really cant believe how well this little girl has settled..We honestly hardly notice shes here..Shes had no accidents in the house.Ive not heard her bark once!Shes great with other dogs shes brilliant with people.Shes not a overly active dog either.one walk a day and shes nackered after it.She really has been the handiest foster we have taken on..Shed make a perfect pet for anyone young or old…


    Mia does pull a little but that can be easily trained its pure excitement! And she sits waiting for the lead to go on which is more than I can boast about my own two! Loves getting of and sniffing out the rabbits and never strays too far, and when shes tired sits beside her foster mam in the grass and watches the other loons running around big happy head on her! Shes getting spayed on Friday and getting a cyst drained that might be slowing her down a bit on her leg :( Shes a pleasure shes cuddled up to me here on the sofa, loves her sleep!


    This beautiful girl was groomed today :D Thanks a million to Julie for bringing her over and to Jane for doing such a great job :D
    Picture 227.jpg


    Hi everyone Mia here! My foster mam is typing for me coz I’m sooo tired after my pampering session today! The lovely girls in pooches parlour gave me an extreme makeover and now my mam says I’m the prettiest girl in the whole world :P She says she knew under all that matted hair I was a stunner! The girls said I was so good and just let them wash me and trim me like I was forever having it done, then a lady on the road told my mam me and my foster sisters Mel and Yazz were a credit to her and she is proud as punch! My foster daddy is putting up more pictures and I’m getting spayed and having a teeth cleaned on Thursday, I feel like I’m on telly! Must get some zzzz’s in, after my swim in the pond and long walk today I’m bushed! Lots of love Mia xxxx (ps can I have a new profile picture!?)


    Few more photos of this fresh smelling Baby


    Hi guys Mia here, just back from my evening walk around the park. My mam lets me walk off the lead because I’m such a good girl and I don’t stray but from today on she says the evening walks are on the lead! Says she never knew I was such a big camogie player, skitting in and out of the Peregrines ladies team robbing the slioter and making for the goal! The team coach says he has a dog just like me and mam was relieved at that, I don’t know why!? My belly is still a bit sore after my operation but I’m having so much fun I hardly notice. I hope my forever home find me soon, my family here are getting very attached and there isn’t much more room in this zoo :lol:


    I did the home visit for the lucky family who adopted the lovely Mia and it was a house that I wished would adopt ME!!! :D Mia will be spoilt rotten just as she deserves. I knew they were well matched and I am SO THRILLED that both the family and Mia have got their happy ever after. :D :D


    There were sad faces all round in the Burke house when I left Mia or as she is known to us Holly off to her new home on Sunday :cry: Very fortunately for her the Doyles were the lovliest family and I know she will be so well looked after! Promises of updates were made and she got on great her first night so we know shes happy there! So hard giving them up Yazz depressed as a stone :( , her ball chasing buddy gone its just not the same but as we all know we can’t keep them all! Best of luck Hol, your loving foster mam Julie, daddy Dave and sisters Mel and Yazz! xxxxxxxx


    This little girl has settled in great and is adored by all :D
    Picture 339.jpg

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