Megan – Husky x Bernese pup

Megan – Husky x Bernese pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Megan – Husky x Bernese pup

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    A few pics of Megan having her makeover, she looks fantastic now thanks to Liz at wagging tails!!

    Meeting another customer

    Having her bath

    Looking and smelling good !!


    She looks fantastic !! ;)


    Urgent foster needed for Megan (without cats) as her foster mam is not well! This is very very urgent! Please contact Gwen on 0858158201 if you can help ;)


    This is now sorted! Thanks ;)


    Thanks so much to Gwen and everyone who helped, i was let out of hosp and am recovering now. I wanted to post because Megan is such a fantastic girl, she wasnt moved because of anything she did, she seriously didnt get on with the cats and then i took ill, it was nothing to do with her temperment or behaviour, she is a great girl, easily trainable, fantastic temperment, just a big cuddle bear, i miss her here but the cats dont :lol: Thanks again Gwen


    Megan is doing well in her new foster home. We have two dogs and she’s getting on great with both! She is absolutely gorgeous and everyone who has met her has fallen for her already! We’ll post some pictures soon.


    Some new pictures, hope this works!!


    New photos of Megan from her fpster home.


    Oh she looks great, happy and relaxed, your dogs are fantastic looking too!! Thanks a million again for coming over and picking her up, she certainly looks well settled :lol:


    Can anyone help Megan?[/quote:2rrysbd9]
    hi i am looking for a dog like megan, how can i help. 321cxz.


    Well Megan went to her forever home today and we’re already missing her. :( but I’m so glad that she’s getting a chance at a great new home with her new family! Good Luck Teresa and Shane and Sky too!


    Delighted she got her home so quickly!!! Cant wait to hear how she gets on :)


    Shane here, Megan’s adoptive daddy.

    She’s settled in well now, coming to the end of her 2nd week. Her arrival initially didn’t go too smoothly, as in the first two days she attacked our other dog Sky, a 10 month old german shepherd, a couple of times, requiring a visit to the to the vet and a strong course of antibiotics for a quite nasty bite wound on Sky’s nose.

    We were quite nervous at first, watching the two of them like hawks after that, and felt pretty bad . After a couple of days and Megan seemed to relax.
    Now the two of them seem to be getting on great, playing together in the garden and sleeping curled up beside each other. Megan’s a total dote, following you around the whole time any time you get up or leave a room. As soon as you look at her she’ll have flopped down and rolled over, legs in the air. And once she’s decided she’s staying sitting or lying down, its nearly impossible to move her, she’s like a big hairy sack of potatos. The other night I was doing some basic "sit" training with her. I got her to sit and gave her a treat, then I backed away a little bit to encourage her to get up and come towards me so I could tell her to sit again. Instead of walking over to me, she stayed sitting with her bum on the floor and dragged herself towards me with her two front legs – it was hilarious!

    The only unfortunate thing about Megan now is that boy does she like to dig! Our back garden looks like a network of World War One trenches now! Have to try and get her out of that…

    Anyway, here’s a couple of pictures of her. Hope these display correctly…


    Great photos!!! glad things are working out now :D


    Great work Shane & Teresa – looks like Megan is well settled in now and herself and Sky are the best of friends – sounds like the girls just needed to establish who’s boss and who’s not :lol: Good luck with the anti digging training :lol:

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