Max – 3 Month Old Small Terrier X – Homed

Max – 3 Month Old Small Terrier X – Homed

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Max – 3 Month Old Small Terrier X – Homed

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    Finally! I got my internet back up and running!!! I put Max/Sam’s happy ending up just now and I’m trying to figure out how to put the pic up (might have to wait for Joey to come back from work as technology isnt exactly my strong point!) :lol:

    I’m dying to see pepsi/Woodie’s happy ending too! Hope all is well with your ‘pack’! Sam sends his love (he’s curled up in his blankie having his mid morning nap as I type- its a dog life!- cliche but true!)


    Finally!! We’ve mastered this photo add thingy and can now post some photos of the cutie that is Sam. He’s really fitted into the family so well…it’s almost as if he’s always been here! Going in for the big snip tomorrow…but shush…he doesn’t know yet!
    Pictures May 8th 002.jpg
    Pictures May 8th 078.jpg
    Pictures May 8th 152.jpg

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