Max – 3 Month Old Small Terrier X – Homed

Max – 3 Month Old Small Terrier X – Homed

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Max – 3 Month Old Small Terrier X – Homed

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    Picked Max and his brother Pepsi up last night from Linda and her friends, thanks for taking care of them. They are tiny, even smaller than my Yorkies. Makes a change for them to be the big ones. :D

    Max is a quiet little man with a lovely temperament he is so gentle and full of fun. He made friends quickly with our other dogs Sophie, Bailey and Inka. He loves to cuddle up beside you and give lots of loves and kisses. He is so chilled out for a pup it’s amazing, nothing seems to stress him and he takes all the rough and tumble of living with other dogs in his stride. :lol:

    Max and Pepsi slept in their crate last night and there was not a peep out of them. Had a little accident this morning because we didn’t let him out quick enough after breakfast, our fault not his. :oops:

    Max had his first bath with Pepsi this evening and it went really well, he loved the water and all the attention. :D

    Max relaxing at home

    Max and brother Pepsi

    Max andPepsi first bath


    Max has settled right in and is now great friends with our other dogs.
    He loves his brother and we keep them together at night.

    We introduced him to a leash and that was great fun, the look on his face was priceless, but he soon got the hang of it and had a little stroll with Pepsi.
    Max is such a cute puppy you can’t help but to fall for him. :D

    Who you lookin at

    Max first time on a leash

    Having a run

    All worn out

    Making friends with Inka


    Hi All,

    Have asked Gwen about few puppies and if not available would love to offer MAX a new home. Just seen the new Puppies on the site and just spotted MAX and wife, daughter and me really like this little fella.


    Oh my God! I’m in love!! :D Max looks like such a sweetie pie! I dont know if this lil fella is still looking for a home but I would love to arrange a visit whenever he is ready for it?


    Hi all
    Max is available, just contact tha admin staff and they will be happy to arrange a visit to meet him :)
    He is an absolute darling, not a bit of trouble.


    Aw! thats great, Yorkie. Hopefully either casso40 or myself will be able meet the lil fella soon! :D


    Great News :!:

    Max had a visit today with a lovely girl who wants to be his new mum. They got on really well together so fingers crossed things work out for both of them. They look like a lovely match. :D

    Family Photo

    Another Family Shot

    Do You Like My Pillow

    I Love To Share


    AWWWW!!! LOVE the pics! I just told my daughter who is a complete dog nut that we are going to have a little four legged friend for life and she is completely over the moon!! She keeps asking me if I’m joking :D

    p.s Thinking of you all today and wishing the best for Inka going to her new family!


    Does this mean that i have no cahnce to adopt MAX now, although had put name down first???

    Can some one let me know as i’ll have to look at other puppies now.





    Every day i get more surprised by people! Leaving it at that


    Sorry Zoe,

    I’m new to this forum and just thought by posting a reply innthe appropriate thread and after the dog your interested in, that you’d be contacted!

    If I got it wrong sorry, I not 100% sure what I have to do. I’ve no problem with max being given a new home at all!

    If you can fill me in I’d appreciate it??


    Casso40 although you expressed your interest on the forum. You may not have been first in line for little Max. There are two other little puppies on the forum who resemble Max. Flip who is in foster with Tara and Logan who is in foster with myself. Have a look at them as they may be suitable for you.


    Hi Louisa,

    Thanks very much for that! i will get the hang of it i’m sure! :oops:

    I’ll have a look at them now.

    Thanks Again



    Great news !!!
    Max went to his new forever home this afternoon.
    It was heartbreaking to see him go but it was for the best. :( His new family are the nicest people you could wish to meet and they are going to love and care for Max and make him a very happy and contented little man.

    Thank you so much Joey, Lisa and Ava for adopting Max, we know your all going to have a wonderful and hapy life together. :D


    Hi There everyone!

    Finally I got my internet back up and running and am able to post Max/Sam’s happy ending!
    I’m so delighted to tell you all how great Sam is doing,he’s still so young yet is off the lead in the park every morning and is so well behaved with all the other dogs and always comes back when called (that may have something to do with the treats he can smell in my pocket!)
    He’s the star of the playground as he goes everywhere we go, so when we drop my daughter off to school he comes too and some of the children who were so terrified of dogs are now petting him and loving him because of his gentle playful nature.
    He is such a happy little chappie and I think that is down to the great start he got with his foster family, so a massive thank you to them.
    From day 1 he has fit right in perfectly in our home and our routine and have made our family finally complete :D

    and as soon as I can figure out how to post some pic’s, I’ll post some of them up asap! ;)

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