Mal – 6mt Beagle *HOMED*

Mal – 6mt Beagle *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Mal – 6mt Beagle *HOMED*

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    This little man is only 6mts old. He will be medium in size when fully grown. He is a high energy dog and will need an experienced active home.


    Thanks a million to Katie for collecting this little man and taking him into foster :D


    No problem . He is a stunning boy . Already has been groomed and the groomer fell in love .


    an update on this guy . He is doing great still needs a good bit of training but has come on alot in the last day or two . loves other dogs and loves going for walks . has great recall already and has mastered sit and paw in seconds when the treats are produced . has a bit of a delicate tummy and has alot of weight to put on . but is still a beautiful pup.

    here are a few photos of him . will try put up more later .


    He has moved foster homes to Michelle who has a beagle so is ready for the beagle nature!

    She will update soon :D


    Doesn’t he look fantastic :D


    :D :D


    :D 8-) :D


    Well this little man went of to his forever family yesterday……happy out with his new big sister Trixie who is a GSD and lots of two legged family members to play with when Trixie is having a rest.

    Got an update on his first day.

    Wanted to let you know how we are getting on with Mal. He had a great first day, two long walks and lots of chasing around the garden. Everybody, except Mal, was exhausted. He is a bundle of energy! He settled on his bed in the living room with us while we were watching TV, however he wasn’t too keen on being left in the kitchen when we went to bed. Even Trixie’s company wasn’t enough for him. His howling would have woken everybody, so in the interest of a good night’s sleep, my husband slept on the couch in the living room with Mal on his bed. Other than that he is really adjusting very well, loves his food, loves walks and playtime.


    Mal only protested for 15mins last night going to bed then after chewing through the hot water bottle with thankfully only luke warm water….he slept like a baby all through the night. Great progress!


    Just an update on Mal…..We have called him Sprocket and he is settling in very well. Caught two chickens but didn’t injure them thankfully. So a bigger chicken run was built….He got through the hedge fencing so a better fence was built…..He has chewed up a variety of things including coaster, cups, gloves, a courgett plant and lunchboxes but no shoes yet….Despite all that never a dull moment but we all love him to bits he is so affectionate and playful.


    Dear Audrey,

    I thought you should be informed about the death of our lovely adopted beagle Mal/Louis- we called him Sprocket. My son was out walking him in the fields yesterday when Sprocket ran off- as he regularly did. This time he headed for the gap in the hedge near our house, with my son right behind him. He shot out onto the road and a truck hit him. He died instantly- broken neck and back. My son saw it all and only that he wasn’t as quick as Sprocket, he might have been under the truck as well. The fecker who drove the truck didn’t even stop!! Other cars did and I heard the Bang and my son screaming so I was there in minutes. It was very traumatic and we are all still in shock and grieving. We loved that dog, he was such a character! We only had him 5 months but he changed our lives and we have so many funny stories about him.
    We are having the funeral today.
    Sorry to sadden your day but I thought you should know.


    Oh I am so sorry to hear of this tragic accident. :( :( Poor Sprocket. And your poor son too. There is nothing quite like the pain of the loss of a beloved pet. So sorry for you all. :( :(


    Pamela, we are all so sadden by your news of Sprocket – and our thoughts are with the family and especially your son.
    He is running free in Rainbows Bridge telling everyone what a special family he lived with.
    Take care of each other at this terrible time.


    I’m so very sorry to hear of your awful loss. :( :( My thoughts are with you & your family, most especially your son. No doubt Mal is running through the fields at Rainbow Bridge, chewing away happily on everything. He was lucky to have received so much love in his life, short though it was.

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