Maisy – Collie x

Maisy – Collie x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Maisy – Collie x

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    Thank you so much for taking Maisy into your home. I will really miss her as will all the other walkers who grew to love her. I am so happy for her, she is a fantastic dog. Thanks to DID for helping Maisy get a home and also to the walkers who took the photos of her, they were a great idea and really helped. Look forward to hearing how she gets along and what her name will be.


    That’s great news! I’d love to see some pics of her now.


    Congratultiaons! Sounds like you’re all going to get on wonderfully!


    Rehomed :D Thank you for giving Masie a new start. We will miss her and look forward to updates and photos.


    We decided to call her Patches. Patch is too much like a boys name so my daughters say. But we could only fit Patch onto her new medal. The vet had a look at her the other day. She is going in to be neutered in two weeks, as he cann’t feel a scare. She is totally exhausted because she is out walking with the girls all the time. She has calmed down with other dogs, because she is much too busy being fussed over by Niamh, Enya and Thanakhon. My little boy loves her… I think I am going to be a Soccer mom to the two of them, my lad kicks the ball and Patches heads it back. Thankhon will have her as fat as a fool, he keeps feeding her. I’ll post pics next week to show you all how she is getting on


    Beautiful Patches, please let us know how she is settling in with you, Pauline, in her new home. Well done to you and your family for giving her her forever home.

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