Maisy – Collie x

Maisy – Collie x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Maisy – Collie x

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    Name: Maisy

    Reference Number: 109

    Sex: Female

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: M50

    Date Out: 4th February 2009

    Maisy is a lovely girl, very sweet and friendly. Lovely markings.


    Can anyone tell me any more about little Maisy? How big is she? Happy with all other dogs? Is she likely to chase cats? Already have 2 rescues of 7 and 2. And 4 rescue cats!


    Walked Maisy today. She is young and in very good condition. She got on very well with a few different types of dog on our walk and walked well on the lead (but needs a little bit more experience.) She is a lovely, friendly dog and would be ideal for any household. I don’t know about the cats- she would probably be inquisitive but is otherwise harmless!

    She is a good medium sized dog- in good shape and very managable.


    does anyone know around what age this little sweetheart is?


    Was very suprised to see Maisy still in today- she’s such a catch! She’s probably around one? But deceptively small, she’s only as tall as my knees!


    I thought she had a few bookings from the pound?


    I could foster her if she’s still in the pound


    Maisy is very gentle. I have not had the pleasure of taking her out as she seems to be very popular and was out all the time with different walkers. I have got the odd cuddle when I meet her out and about. Hope she gets out soon.


    I did have the pleasure of taking Maisy out this morning. She is a lovely lovely dog. Really looks for the cuddles and is so very gentle and affectionate. Good dog on the lead. Really deserves to get out of the pound soon. Hopefully someone will get a foster/adoption form in for her soon.


    Maisy is a great girl, I had her off her lead this morning and we were playing with a football. She was brilliant fun, brings the ball back every time. The poor thig was knackered by the end!



    Those are lovely pictures of Maisy. I had her out on Friday just for a short walk.

    She is such a lively, energetic and playful dog that being in the pound for so long has made her quite frustrated and is a bit agressive with the other dogs (not at all with people.) A few minutes of walking and she’s fine but she really needs to get out soon.


    Maisy was having a great time out today with the walkers. She was with a family who were really giving her a lot of attention. She had a ball with a rag in her mouth most of the time. She was so distracted with all the attention that she had no interest in any other dogs so she was very well behaved. She is lovely.


    Maisy was out with me this morning. I brought a plastic toy dolphin ( which is somewhere in the field) She was so enthusiastic and just wanted to play. She just wanted me to throw this toy, I let the lead go so she could have a run for it. She just brings it back immediately. She is so much fun, Maisy would really suit a family home. She is great!.


    Hi I just had Ann from Dogs in Distress organisation doing our home visit. She asked me to check Maisy out. Could you tell me around how old she is. Is she neutered already. She sounds like she has been with a family already. I would be interested in taking her especially if she is good with kids and on a lead. She sounds like she had some sort of training as she is running for a ball… does she bring it back. I will ring tomorrow to get the opening hours, we would love to have a look at her to see if she would take to me husband and three kids. We have a very busy house with loads of kids. She sounds like she would fit in very well here. i love the photos. a picture paints a 1000 words. She is a beautiful dog.


    Hi I was in the pound this morning 05/03/09 and Maisie is everything, that was described. So I decided to take her. She travels well in the car and has made herself at home straight away. She had the back garden sniffed out within five minutes and then wanted back into the house. She has an appointment with our Vet in Lissenhall tonight at 6pm. I cann’t believe how good she is on a lead. She submitted to small kids who were allowed to pet her and maisie was only too happy to show affection back. What a relief. Many thanks to all the people who volunteer to walk and care for these dogs. I’ll post a few pics later on to show you how she is getting on. The mother in law is called Maisie so we may change her name to freckles or pirate. I’ll see what the kids decide.

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