Lucy – ref 397 – 11yr old ShihTzu – HOMED

Lucy – ref 397 – 11yr old ShihTzu – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Lucy – ref 397 – 11yr old ShihTzu – HOMED

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    So hard to believe it is a year since our little lady went to Rainbow Bridge. We still miss her everyday but have lots of happy memories.

    Sharon, Iain and Izzie xxx
    Protecting the House.jpg




    There are some dogs and people that always leave their mark on the world and Lucy Lockett was one of those. She was the most gentle loving soul and we have never forgotten her. She was blessed to have been adopted by Sharon and Iain and while they didn’t have nearly enough time with her, the time they did spend together was precious. She knew what it was to be loved and cared for. Run free Lucy Lockett


    Can’t believe it’s 1 year already. How right you are Fredisbest – I never met Lucy, but followed her posts and cried when I read of her passing. She really was a little beauty inside and out. Thankfully she had loads of love both in foster and in her forever home. Her last weeks were full of love. Well done to all who gave her that as she surely deserved it. Sad time.

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