Lucy – ref 397 – 11yr old ShihTzu – HOMED

Lucy – ref 397 – 11yr old ShihTzu – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Lucy – ref 397 – 11yr old ShihTzu – HOMED

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    Here’s Lucy :D


    Well Lucy Locket you look the picture of happiness all curled up in your new bed. I bet you had the best Christmas ever. Ollie sends his love and licks and we all wish you and your mammy and daddy a very happy 2013.


    Best wishes Lucy… you HAPPY EVER AFTER has begun


    Just a quick update on Lady Lucy. She is doing fantastic and it just feels like she has been always with us. She is just so adorable and is so much fun to have :D


    It’s a hard life being a dog :D
    Just chillling.jpg


    Don’t you just hate when people take your picture when you are trying to sleep :lol:
    Bed Head.jpg


    8-) When one is a star, one must put up with it my dear ;)


    It breaks my heart to have to type up this post but our little Lucy has gone to Rainbow Bridge. After a week or so of being unwell and a short stay with the fantastic vet’s in Terenure our little angel had to leave us.

    Although we only had Lady Lucy for a couple of months, she brought nothing but fun into the house. She was totally pampered and loved her luxury (especially her own double bed in the spare bedroom!! :D ) She was so loving and trusting and the house will not be the same without her. I keep turning around waiting for her to appear – she followed me everywhere. Only 2 weeks ago she tried to climb into the bath with me!! After about 3 unsuccessful attempts she just gave up and lay on the bath mat waiting for me to get out!!! :D She was just the cutest little thing with a heart of gold.

    A huge thank you to all the fantastic people at DID without whom Lucy could have spent her last few months cold and alone. A special mention to her foster Mammy Mary who absolutely doted on her as well.

    Sleep peacefully Lucy – you deserve it xxxx


    Just logged on and can’t believe the sad news today. Just when Lucy was having the best time with her foster family and then her forever family spoiling her like she deserved. I’ve followed her story since she was in the pound, but never met her. I feel very upset, so I can only imagine what her families (forever and foster) are feeling. She was a little angel….I’m so sorry for the loss she must leave in you life. Run happy little Lucy. <3


    Lucys Mum(my big sis) has always wanted a lil pal of her own and has been following DID since I began fostering. It took her a while to convince "himself" until Lucy came along……I believe she was a little angel sent to show them they were meant to be doggie parents. It is a very sad time but the time they did share was filled with mutual love. They cared for her until her very last breath and she has left a permanent paw print on out hearts xxxxx


    I am SO sad for you all and it seems so unfair that ye had such a short time together. :( :( I know the agony of losing a furry member of the family (as do we all) and be assured that we are thinking of you at this awful time. However (silver linings have a lot to answer for!!!) Lucy had such a wonderful end to her life in the care of people who REALLY loved her and NOTHING can replace the specialness of that – for you all and especially for Lucy. Thank you for all you gave her. :D :D


    Christmas with Lucy
    Maries Photos 108.jpg
    Maries Photos 137.jpg
    Maries Photos 084.jpg


    Im so shocked to read such a sad sad post I was only talking about Lucy to her foster mum Mary my heart goes out to you all. But take some comfort in the love and kindness you showed her in her last chapter she left her paw print behind on hearts that thought the world of her.

    Run Free Little Lady


    We’re brokenhearted since we heard about little Lucy Lockett. She was a dog in a million, a complete angel. She was the happiest little dog and her tail never stopped wagging. She was the perfect foster and there wasn’t one day that I regretted having her. She was so very lucky to have found the most wonder forever family in Sharon and Iain. She was so loved and cared for and they should get great comfort in knowing that they did everything in their power for her. I know they are heartbroken. It doesn’t matter whether you have your dog for a week, a month or a year – the pain is still the same when you lose them. The pain will ease in time but Lucy will never be forgotten by a lot of people especially Sharon, Iain and us. She is now running free and happy at Rainbow Bridge.
    The following poem gave me great comfort when I had to put my maltese, Fred, to sleep and hopefully will give Sharon and Iain some comfort too.


    If it should be that I grow weak
    And pain should keep me from my sleep,
    Then you must do what must be done,
    For this last battle cannot be won.

    You will be sad, I understand
    Don’t let your grief then stay your hand
    For this day, more than all the rest,
    Your love for me must stand the test.

    We’ve had so many happy days,
    What is to come can hold no fears.
    You’d not want me to suffer so;
    The time has come — please let me go.

    Take me where my need they’ll tend,
    And please stay with me till the end.
    Hold me firm and speak to me,
    Until my eyes no longer see.

    I know in time that you will see
    The kindness that you did for me.
    Although my tail it’s last has waved,
    From pain and suffering I’ve been saved.

    Please do not grieve — it must be you
    Who had this painful thing to do.
    We’ve been so close, we two, these days,
    Don’t let your heart hold back it’s tears.

    Sweet dreams little Lucy Lockett xxxx


    Thanks for all the lovely messages about our Lucy Lockett and Mary thank you so much for the poem. Although we are completely heartbroken we are trying to take comfort that her last few months were full of love and comfort in both her foster and forever home. She was a dog in a million not to mention just the prettiest.

    Miss you Lucy xxx

    PS: Thanks for the Christmas photos (wasn’t she just adorable xx)

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