Lucy – ref 397 – 11yr old ShihTzu – HOMED

Lucy – ref 397 – 11yr old ShihTzu – HOMED

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    This is one awful moment isn’t it? When Henry arrived via DID he wasn’t in the house two minutes but had found an opening to squeeze out of and off down the road with him. Even though we live in a cul de sac out in the country, I really thought I was in deep trouble for losing my dog before he had arrived!!! Since then we are obliged to keep him on the lead for his walks or he would be off to Wexford no bother :P


    Wow, that brings back memories. I had flown to Birmingham for the day to Crufts (nearly 10 years ago, different life) when I got a phone call from my friend to say that my Liach was stuck under the shed :shock: She had 8 puppies looking for a feed!! Needless to say I was ready to dash back to the airport and fly home immediately but luckily as I tried to keep my friend calm (while I panicked), I told her to get out some tasty food and of course Liach, being a foody, couldn’t resist :D I had been thinking I would phone the firebrigade to lift the shed up!!! And I would have!
    But I’ll never forget the feeling of panic :shock:
    Lucy is such a fabulous dog, and the updates and photos are wonderful! The Golden Oldies are often the best! No chewing, no toilet training, good on the leash, but still full of fun…… :D


    Well our little Lucy Lockett, as we like to call her, is as great as ever. She is full of life and still as good as gold. She has taken a shine to my husband and he is greeted with licks and wags every evening after work. She LOVES food (preferably human) and was obviously fed from a table in her previous life. The only time we’ve heard her bark is when my husband has the cheek to ignore her at meals times!!! Then she’ll give this funny little yap until he pays her some attention. She continues to be a dream dog to walk and never seems to run out of energy when out walking. She is great with all dogs, big, small, male or female. All in all she is one super little dog.


    My little fellow just sits and stares at you if he wants food with just the occasional little yap, he has the cutest ‘lovey’ eyes and it is very difficult to resist him :roll:


    Lady Lucy went on a "sleepover" last night. A huge thanks to 3LabLady Marie for getting her lovely Mum and Sister to "babysit" at such short notice. It’s another great tribute to this little dog – she took it all in her stride. Absolutely nothing seems to faze her.
    I feel people are put off when they see Lucy’s age and I just wish someone would see past it and see her for what she is – a bright, easygoing, well behaved little dog who would make an excellent addition to any home. So come on give her a chance…………… you won’t be disappointed ;)


    Some pics of the lovely Lady Lucy….


    I think she is absolutely gorgeous and would simply love to have her here but alas my fella wouldn’t have it I know. I’m sure though that there is a forever home for Lucy and hopefully before Christmas. Good Luck Lucy, will be keeping an eye on your updates :)


    Yes Danemark it would be great to see her in her forever home before Christmas. Fingers crossed ;)


    How is lucy, I have been hoping she will find a home. I would love her but I already have a cavalier a dachshund and a tabby cat, a husband and 3 children, she looks like a little angel!


    I agree she is a little beauty. I’ve been following her posts since day 1. If I could take a 3rd doggy she would be my choice….can’t believe she hasn’t been homed yet. The oldies are great….no piddling, low energy and real snugglers! :P It’s great she got out of the pound and is having such a lovely time with her foster family – well done! Fingers crossed for a forever home by Christmas. :)


    Lucy continues to thrive. She is such a gorgeous little lady. She has now taken up "dancing". When we come down in the morning or return home, she dances around us. She gives this little snort and tries to stand on her back legs. It’s so funny to watch. Her tail is in permanent wagging mode. She LOVES my husband and follows him everywhere. She’s every man’s dream – she sits quietly next to him while he watches rugby. What more could a man ask for :lol: :lol:


    I’ve just read all about Lucy – she’s such a gorgeous little thing! My husband and I would love a dog and having read about her I would love to offer to adopt Lucy but after Christmas I’ll be working full time and she would be on her own too much :( I’ll have to just follow all her news here instead


    That’s a pity as she is such a lovely dog but you’re right, it wouldn’t be fair for her to be left on her own all day, every day. She does sleep a lot, as all dogs do, but nevertheless, she is used to company and even when I’m out, she has my dog for company. We just have to keep hoping that the right home will come along for her soon. ;)


    I’ve always questioned whether or not Lucy has any Shih Tzu in her but today my doubts were put to rest. While out walking this morning, this other little beauty was walking towards us and low and behold she could have been Lucy’s sibling :o I stopped to talk to her owner and was told that she was a cross between a Jack Russell and a Shih Tzu! Anyone looking at them would swear they were from the same litter. Well they do say we all have a double and I guess Lucy found her’s today. Another piece of good news on Lucy is that her hearing has improved greatly. She can definitely hear much better than when she first arrived. She has also become much more of a snuggler. She was never one for snuggling but will now hop up next to me on the sofa and snuggle in. Ollie isn’t too impressed but hey, he’ll get over it. Anyway all is well in Lucy’s world and she just gets better by the day :D


    Miss Lucy went for a "makeover" yesterday thanks to the girls in Pooches Palace. What a transformation :o She looks "ten years younger" and surprise, surprise she took it all in her stride as usual. The groomer remarked on how relaxed she was through it all. I honestly have never met a dog like her. It’s as if she knows everything that is happening to her is all done for her good and she just goes with the flow. Needless to say when she came home she went straight back to work cleaning the dishes :lol:
    new look.jpg

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