Lucy Bichon Frise at Rainbow Bridge

Lucy Bichon Frise at Rainbow Bridge

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Lucy Bichon Frise at Rainbow Bridge

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    such a sad sad day! this was an incredible story followed avidly by so many people. You and your family should be so proud that you made her last few weeks so happy!. My heart goes out to you all..x


    Laura, we are just devastated to hear this very sad news. Can’t imagine how you are feeling but we are so grateful that you made Lucy feel so loved and happier in the last few weeks. You gave her the best chance at a new life :( This story has touched our hearts so much. There will be plenty of tears shed for little Lucy but it is some relief to know she was in such great care and not anywhere else.

    We can’t thank you enough Laura.

    Rest in Peace Little Lucy…..have a feast up there :)

    Lots of love and hugs
    Laura, Trish and Molly xxxx


    my friend Louisa rang me last night to tell me the sad sad news about Bichon Lucy. I was so sorry to hear the news as I really thought that she would make it. Life is very cruel at times but just remember that Lucy got the benefit of such wonderful care in the last few months of her life. So she go to know what happiness was. She’s at peace now. Thinking of everyone who did such a wonderful job with her care & my thoughts are with you. Love from Les, Louis,Buzz & Buster xxxx


    be very proud of the fact that you gave lucy the very best last few months of her life and she could not have been happier and now she is no longer in any pain. im very sorry for the pain you must now be feeling.

    RIP lucy


    Like everyone else who has posted I have been following this story from the beginning and to see the change in her and the life you gave her is really an incredible thing to have seen.

    You gave her life and love and even if it was just for a short time she had a home, a family, a warm bed and a cuddle. It sounds like something so small but its all they want its what they live for and even if this little angel couldnt make it down here with us she felt your love and has carried that on with her to the next place.

    "They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

    You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

    Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together…. "

    She will be waiting! RIP little Lucy xxx


    So sorry to hear about Lucy, thank you so much Laura for looking after her so well. Her little life was short but made all the more longer and full of love with you and your family looking after her.

    Sleep tight Lucy xxx


    Laura, I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I’ve been following Lucy for the last few weeks and was logging on to see if there was any news from her operation.

    As everyone else has said you should be really proud of all the love you gave Lucy and all the happiness you gave her in the last few weeks.

    I’m devastated for you and will be thinking of you and your family.


    R.I.P Little Lucy :cry:


    Laura I’m so very sorry for your loss. Like everyone else, I’ve been watching Lucy’s story on here and really praying that she’d make it.

    She was a lucky girl in so far as she had you to make sure that she knew lots of love in the last part of her too short life.

    Run free at the bridge little one.

    Again, really sorry Laura.


    Am sorry to hear of her passing away, was thinking about her every day, RIP little angel.


    Thanks Laura for the beautiful montage of Lucy, I have just watched it. How sad, yet I swear Lucy is smiling in every shot. How beautiful is that.


    So sorry to hear about little Lucy. Laura you have done a great thing for her by taking her into your home. She was meant for you, a special place in your heart and you in hers. I’m sure she will be in the hearts and memories of many people for a long time.


    So sorry to hear about this little lady – such a terrible, terrible pity. Hope you all are holding up ok, you’ll be in my thoughts.


    Thank you everyone for all the very kind words and thoughts. Yesterday was worse than Thursday, I didn’t know pain could come from so deep down, I woke up crying, and cried and cried until my chest and jaw hurt and I couldn’t breath. Why did Lucy have to go, why, she was adored, its so unfair. Today I am trying to remember all the happy memories we have of her and her strange little habits, she always walked up the stairs on the right and came down on the left side. On Tuesday my husband sent me a text that had me laughing out loud in work saying he’d issued her penalty points for going in the wrong lane up the stairs :) She used to lick me constantly and on Monday I put her down coz she was making all my clothes wet and she ran off with a pair of my knickers from the washing basket and proceeded to lick them (ergh), she hated to go outside to go to the toilet and when she knew, i knew she needed to go she’d look at me and run or else I find a little poo in a very strange place like behind the TV, when she wanted up she’d dig at your leg and scream till you picked her up, every morning I was greeted with a little rororororororor from her as she’d dance around my legs, as she got stronger she hated to be carried anywhere and she’d wiggle and wiggle till you’d put her down, my dogs sit in the boot of the car with a lovely bed and the shelf out, they don’t climb over but no Lucy used to and it was like climbing mount Everest and then she’d decide she wanted back on the comfy bed and all I’d see was her little skinny ass leaning over the backseat till she got her legs up to drop back over onto the bed – she was such a character, she always knew wanted and made such a huge deep impact on all our hearts. She died firmly believing she was my baby, if someone else was holding her and she saw me she’d wiggle and moan till they put her down so she could sit on my lap, unless of course it was Jonathan, she really thought he was her daddy too, in the four weeks she was here she spent a total of four hours on her own, she was always with me or him and she’d sit on Jonathans lap for hours while he was studying. My friends used to call her Sophia from the golden girls with her little curly hair and her little walk. She made my dogs love her, my dogs don’t share beds with anyone not even each other and you saw the montage where she was never out of their beds, if they growled at her to get out she would just nestle in very quietly until they forgot about her and then they just gave up, she made them love her, Jodie was her idol, she so wanted to be Jodie when she grew up :) One day last week she decided she was going to follow charlie everywhere about an inch from his tail, she was driving him mad and he’d turn around and grumble at her, she’d just look away, when he walked on she would too, it was so funny to watch and who knows what she was up to.

    Thank you everyone for loving Lucy, for all her prayers, good wishes, donations and kind words, I’m sure she knew it, she certainly acted like she knew it, she was extremly special.

    Goodbye little dinker, I think you were just too special for this world x


    I just saw little Lucy on the programme. she really was gorgeous. It was so sad. I was bawling crying. laura, you were fantastic on the programme. I started crying when i saw you crying, It is so hard to leave a dog in for surgery. You were really great on the telly.
    On a lighter note, it is a good programme. the animals need a programme like that to show people what is going on.

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