Lucy Bichon Frise at Rainbow Bridge

Lucy Bichon Frise at Rainbow Bridge

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs In Loving Memory Lucy Bichon Frise at Rainbow Bridge

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    Oh Laura im so sorry to hear that terrible news you showed her so much love in her little life with you. You were very kind to offer to look after her in helping her as you knew about her condition….
    Thinking of you at this hard time, its not easy..
    R.I.P. little Lucy run free at the bridge you special little angel…


    So sorry Laura – what can anyone say except that little Lucy knew she was loved and cared for – thinking of you at this time.


    Rest in Peace little darling – no more suffering. :cry: Poor Laura, you gave her so much in her last few weeks- she was the happiest and best loved little girl due to your kindness and caring. Her last photo says it all.


    Oh Laura I am so sorry to hear this. Really I am. It is so hard to let foster babies go even to their forever homes. I can’t imagine what you must be going through. At least little Lucy’s last few weeks were full of the love & care she deserved. Thinking of you x


    oh my god! we are so sorry for you Laura! you gave so much love to this poor little girl what made her really rich! we are in tears. :(
    R.I.P little angel


    Laura, you did such an amazing thing for this little girl. You showed her so much love. I am very sorry for your loss.


    Hi Laura, I am so sorry about Lucy. I have a little Bichon I got 9 weeks ago from DID and we renamed her Lucy. She is very like your little one. Thinking of you at this time and take comfort in the love and care you gave her. She was luck to have had you. :(


    I’m so so sad to hear this. Poor little Lucy. I don’t know what to say only at least she knew she was loved so very much.

    Laura. You must be devasted but you did everything you could do for her. She was just too special for this world.

    RIP Lucy…run free at the bridge.


    We made a little montage for Lucy, we laughed at her cheekiness, were shocked at the reminder of how tiny she once was and realised how much she’d wormed her way into not only our hearts but Jodie & Charlie too:



    Firstly I would like on behalf of us all to take this chance to thank Laura will all our hearts for looking after Lucy so well in the time she stayed with her, Nobody could have showed her more love or care or have been more attentive in anyway to her. My heart is breaking for Laura, Jonathon, Charlie & Jodie. I know how upset Laura is so I will give a bit of a rundown on today for everyone who has been following her story and has taken the time to get in touch and wish her well.

    Lucy, while under anesthetic and during the operation to close off her liver shunt , had a rapid drop in blood pressure. This resulted in blood not being carried to all her other organs. The vets in UCD tried their hardest to help her but to no avail. The consultant surgeon who was in charge of Lucy said that in 25 years operating on dogs she has never seen this happen in such a way before. She suspects that Lucy may have had a blood clot behind her heart. Marie has agreed that they may proform an autopsy to determine what exactly happened.We will have the results in a months time and I will post here then what the conclusion of the pm was.

    Lucy touched so many hearts in her own little way. I only met her a few times but I found my mind drifting to her at least once a day wondering how she was getting on and was she behaving. I first met her when she came under the care of our own vet at the very beginning and I was so shocked at the poor state of her. I have never met a pup that was so ill and I was was lucky enough that I was able to take a few photos at the time and give her a quick cuddle and kiss.
    When she went into foster with Laura I was delighted as I knew that I would get to see her again as Laura was in a position to bring her to work with her in DTI where my ladies go to doggie daycare. In a short space of time I could not believe the difference in her. She has changed from a lethargic grumpy puppy who was so severly underweight that I could not belive that she was able to hold her own weight to a little darling Diva puppy who was motoring about great in the DTI reception area. She would make a cat laugh with her strut.

    Little Diva Lucy, run free darling at rainbow bridge where you are no longer in any discomfort and eat whatever you like now. xxx

    Joan Kirwan

    its is a sad sad day for us all … Laura my heart goes out to you your family. I’m sending you hugs from all .. You did a fantastic Job with her and made her days here so good and happy. You should be soo proud of everything you have done for Lucy.. be strong and remember you did everything possible for her. your are a star

    RIP little one …. Joan


    this is heartwrenching news. the poor little mite. You and your family did so much. I wouldnt have known what to do with a pup with her condition. I think her story touched so many hearts.


    Oh dear God. Poor Laura – you must be devastated. Please take some comfort from the knowledge that you made little tiny Lucy’s life so much better in the time she was with you.

    You’re in our thoughts today.


    Bless your lil soul at the rainbow bridge Lucy.

    Laura thank you so much for taking such good care of Lucy and for giving her so much love. x


    laura so sorry that your little foster baby has passed our thoughts are with you. loved all the lovely info you gave everyone about her xx shirley ken cathal ciara and tadgh

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