Lucky – 8mt old springer x setter -HOMED

Lucky – 8mt old springer x setter -HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Lucky – 8mt old springer x setter -HOMED

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    Having an action packed weekend of walks and playtime with Lucky. Brought him to the beach on Friday and he loved it. He was flying around after Buddy, went into the sea splashed around and loved it. :D Pictures to follow. His recall is improving as is his walking on the lead. At the moment he is curled up on the couch fast asleep after his morning walk. Lucky is a very elegant looking dog as he has the body of a setter :) He is getting lots of compliments up Killiney Hill so hopefully he will find his forever family soon enough. Once this little fella gets a walk he is happy to potter around the garden or follow you around the house.


    Some new pics of the handsome boy!
    2011-03-06 16.08.58.jpg
    2011-03-06 16.08.47.jpg


    I know Lucky is soooo handsome the photo really shows it off! Lucky was getting more compliments yesterday as he sat quietly, bum on my feet! while I was chatting away. He is so well behaved, only when he sees birds does he want to run!!He is doing really well with us and Buddy and has settled down a lot.


    Some pics of a tired, wet lucky after playing on the beach this evening!
    2011-03-08 19.44.31.jpg
    2011-03-08 19.44.16.jpg
    2011-03-08 19.44.11.jpg


    Lucky is doing really well. He is great in the house not a bother having him inside. He happily stays with me while I am pottering about, Lucky is used to the fact I do not sit still for long :lol: so knows sometimes it is easier to follow me by sitting in the hall or landing waiting for me while I move around!!! He is a clever fella!

    Lucky has a great nature and loves getting his bellys rubs and loves being brushed. He LOVES meal time so excited when the bowl is produced and dances around waiting for his food. He learns quickly though especially where food is concerned and knows he has to sit “calmly” before he is allowed to eat.

    Lucky is a happy little chap and his tail never stops wagging. He enjoys being in the garden, there are never problems getting him out to the toilet etc he flies out the door. He has no interest in the ball or fetching anything (bar birds!).
    Once we are settled in for the night he is happy to settle on the couch and sleep the night away, and then hops into his bed no problems. He is a stunning little man and I hope he does not have to wait much longer for his forever home.


    Gorgeous Lucky is due to leave us this Thursday :( We will all be sad to see him go but he has a great new family to go to, the boys are dying for this bundle of energy to arrive :lol: and Lucky will also have Kingston who is being adopted too as his new brother :D So it is a great ending and both dogs have done really well getting such a wonderful family :D Truely deserved :D


    Well we got Lucky home this morning via Kingston’s house.
    Both boys are getting on great. Just back from a hike with Lucky.
    He starts training next Tuesday – hopefully we can get walking on the lead sorted soon before I dislocate my shoulder!!
    A great big thank you to all the people who have looked after Lucky before he got to us especially Niamh and Sean. I can see them both out the back garden now running around in circles having a great play, Kingston is well able to stick up for himself I think he will be the boss. Jack (11) said "they say money can’t buy you happiness but it can buy you a dog" – We feel like we won the Lotto. I can hear the parade on the TV in the background and it appears the theme is the black dog – how apt. THANK YOU ALL AT DID.
    Niamh – Lucky just came in and got in the crate, I had not even introduced it to him yet.


    Delighted to hear that Lucky has settled in so well :) even using the crate!!
    Thanks for the update Catherine bet Lucky cannot sit still in your house with the boys ;)
    It sounds like himself and Kingston are going to be great pals.

    Keep the updates coming.


    Well apart from the fact that I am up at this hour Life in Luckys house is fantastic. Lucky (possibly Bowe as in Tommy) and Kingston (Luca) are getting on brilliantly. I can’t believe how gently he plays with Luca after seeing his antics with Buddy who is about 30 times bigger. We were going to keep his name but as Kingston looked so like our last little man Mark wanted to name him Luca and the names are too alike so still looking for that perfect name otherwise he could permanently be called the big fella!. If he was a girl it would have to be Beauty as I don’t know how many times he has been called that already. We were briefly joined yesterday by Charlie ( a black scottie ) found zig zaging down the main road until his owner could collect him. The boys were not phased in the slightest despite the fact that Charlie tried to mark every square inch of the garden. We went up Howth Head yesterday and Luca had no problems keeping up, he would speed up if Lucky got to far ahead. They met their first horse – Luca did not blink and Lucky was mystified. He has the best temperament I’ve ever come across and is truely the most lovable dog apart from the fact I have aches and pains where I didn’t know I had places. The harness makes a huge difference as I briefly switched to the collar yesterday……Whoooosh, I won’t make that mistake again. Cannot wait till he is trainned well enough to let him loose in Deer Park as it is truly dog heaven. He saw a rabbit yesterday morning but had no interest – only interested in the birds. Will upload photos as soon as we stop swooning long enough to take some. Thanks again to all at DID.


    Oh my god! Lucky looks fantastic!! You did such a brill job with him niamh. Soooooooo glad he found his forever home because he deserved it so much. Such a fab temperment. Did u have problems getting him into a crate? He was great in the one in my house. Enjoy luckys new family! Your getting a very special doggie :)


    The photos… at work and at rest and just looking handsome.


    Oh Lucky and Kingston look great and look like they are having great fun together. Both so handsome. Delighted they are settling in so well :D The red collars on both boys really show up their beautiful coats :lol:

    DID Rescue

    Great Photos.
    In the first on Lucky really looks like a black Irish Setter, all his head shape and features are so similar.
    The last one is sooo cute of me and my big brother chillin….. :D
    Thanks a lot for the update it means so much to all of us and keeps us motivated on the bad days to see the happy sorted and loved one that have been through the system and came out the other side shining. :)


    More photos – still called the big fella!


    Ah great photos :) So funny to see Kingston flying after his big brother :D They both look so happy and Lucky loves the beach anywhere he can run!!! Thanks for the updates, keep them coming ;)

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