Louie – Husky x Bernese pup * reserved *

Louie – Husky x Bernese pup * reserved *

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Louie – Husky x Bernese pup * reserved *

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  • #76348

    Approximately 7-8 months old


    do these guys need foster..


    these dogs are fabulous! any idea of their temperment?? i know someone looking for a big breed dog….


    Well the Beautiful Louie now known as Hercules has landed in my mad house.. He is much bigger than his picture lets him on to be… but the girls in this house are very impressed with him.. My Gsd loves males specially big ones… 8-) He is full of loves and kisses very bouncy as he is only young but gental.. His coat is in terrible condition ive giving him a good brush but i think he needs the special hand of Liz.. He was full of sticky backs, they were everywhere and it took me the last hour just to remove them alone.. He is pretty smelly too but we will work on that too or Liz might anyway (hopefully. ;) )
    He has the prettiest whitey blue eyes with a huge head.. He is crazy about Roisin but most doggies and puppies are..

    Will up date with some pic’s when he is more photogenic..


    My oh my what a stunner – you always get great dogs to foster Catherine and yet another for the gorgeous Roisin to cuddle!!!


    The beautiful Hercules is going to be groomed in the morning from the wonderful ladies in wagging tails and i cant wait to see the transformation cos the poor guy is full of mats dispite my attempts of giving him a bath and brushing him he needs the professional hands..(cos he still smells :| )
    He is a lovely dog Settling well he is a little hyper in the mornings and is just to delighted to see you.. :o :o :o I have him sitting and staying now which helps (just a little) but when you open the door he thinks it means CHARGEE but is learning, he is only a puppy at the end of the day and would come on leaps and bounds with some trainning classes they would do him the world of good…. He is now walking very well on the lead by my side.. He loves to run around the field but keeps me in his sight never runs to far ahead.. His recall is good too as when you call he comes running so i need to be quick with my next command being "SIT" but he’s lerning.. :lol: :lol:
    Will update tomoro with how he gets on and with before and after pic’s..


    Well the lovely Hercules when and good a brilliant make over today and looks absolutle fantastic… All the matts and dead hair is gone and most of all i never even smelt him on the way home.. He is panned out on the floor now all pretty.. here he is all lovely and soft i think i know who will be my pillow tonight.. :lol: :lol:

    Thanks again ladies at wagging tails you did a wonderful job….. XX


    Super handsome boy


    Met this boy today… what a Stunner !!!! :D :D


    well my beautiful Hercules went to his new home this morning.. He is settling well and has meet all his neighbours already..
    Herco went to the best home i could ever have wished for as Monica and her husband Joe and the family are abosolutly wonderful people. I know they panic’d at one stage making sure they were doing the right thing in adopting a large dog be they went with there heart and are completely delighted now… Thank you so much guy for giving him the chance he deserves and such a loving home i know he will be loved forever.. The daughters Sally and Megan are delighted with him and he has buddys forever…
    They have also promised loads of updates and will bring him to visit at some stage.

    Be happy little man we miss you alreadyXXX


    Ah thats great. Im delighted for them. I did their home visit the day that Louie came into the pound & they loved the look of him as soon as they saw him! Delighted for them & Louie :D


    Thanks Rach2e for doing there Hv for them. They loved him the minute they saw him too. They are THE nicest family i have ever met and i have spoken to Monica this evening and he has settled in very well.. There all delighted with him and he has had lots af walks and attention.. Such a happy happy ending.. :D


    Wow he’s a stunning looking dog!


    Well the beautiful Herco has settled in into his new home.. He was at the vets on monday and got his stitches out and all is well. He has had a little bit of a sicky belly and hasnt been eating much but the vet said chicken and rice will sort him out for a few days.. here is a picture Monica sent me the other night of him panned out in his new home.. they all love him and its great getting all the updates.. :D Thanks guys really appricated it..


    Well my beautiful Herc came to see us in Equipet today with his wonderfull family.. And what a credit he is to them he just looks fantastic with loads of weight put on and looking very health after not being well when her first went to his forever home, As he was so unsettled and missed being with other doggies terribe… He has distroyed there home by pulling skirting boards from wall and eating anything that was left in his reach :roll: :twisted: he also emptyed there fridge of the WHOLE contense milk ham cheese yogurts chicken fillets if it was there he had it………. Has also eaten/stolen scones , donuts, bread and washed it down with half a glass of pear cider :o :lol: (knows what he likes) :shock: :shock: Friends shoes and clothes Cheecky monkey… But despite everything they all LOVE him to the end of the earth and have worked with him.. All the neighbours love him too and the girls of the road bring him for walks too so he can pull them along on there scates :lol: :lol: This guy just couldn’t have got a better home… If i was a dog or if i ever come back as a dog thats the home for me!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol:

    Once again ive said it before and im saying it again thanks a million Monica , Joey , Sally ann, Megan and there son :?: for giving him the home he needed and deserved and giving him chance after chance you are a wonderful family.. XXXXX Catherine

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