Lottie – 6mt old terrier x *HOMED*

Lottie – 6mt old terrier x *HOMED*

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Lottie – 6mt old terrier x *HOMED*

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    This tiny little girl will be wormed, microchipped, vaccinated and neutered before being rehomed. She is great with other dogs and children :D She is gone into foster with Marie, who will update soon ;)
    Picture 071.jpg


    :D :D
    Picture 072.jpg


    :D :D


    We got Max from Ashtown Pound about three years ago and he’s always been a bit nervous and clingy. He didn’t have a lot going on in his doggy mind except wondering when I’d be back from work and he spent a large part of his day waiting by the front door for me to come home.

    We decided that we wanted another dog and thought a companion for Max might help bring him out of himself. We saw Rosi (prev. Lottie) on the DID web site and she came to visit for the weekend so we could see how the two dogs go on. It wasn’t every dog Max got on with and he could be quite possessive and jealous sometimes.

    At first Max didn’t know what to make of Rosi, she was all bouncy and wanted to play!! Max wasn’t the playing type and he had no interest in toys. But he couldn’t help being fascinated by this little girl who was tossing a blue octopus around her head and having a great time.

    Rosi could see how interested Max was and didn’t let him be shy for long. She just grabbed him into the game and it’s been play play play ever since.

    The two dogs are now firm friends after only a month and today Rosi was away all day for her spaying op. When we brought her home and put her into her bed Max came over for a look. He gave her a little sniff and a lick and she gave him a lick back. He’s left her to take it easy for the rest of the night but I know he secretly can’t wait for her to be back up on her feet again.


    Now thats just a double happy ending for Lottie who is a remarkable little girl for having such a positive impact on her new big brother and giving him the relaxed and happy ending that he also deserves….love the photos its a super update so keep them coming.

    DID Rescue

    Great to see this happy union. :)

    When I first met Max I knew it was a very particular dog was needed to fit the bill. He did not need one bigger than him, he would be happier with a female, a puppy was not suitable as they would end up copying his shy state.
    It needed to be handled carefully to find the right dog.
    I felt Max needed a girlfriend who was playful, confident,knew how to play and would still play on her own if he was slow to get involved.

    Rosi (Lottie) was not in foster at this stage, we did not know she existed.

    Rosi was surrendered to us because she was too lively for the family.
    They looked after well in that she got good food, was wormed , vaccinated but the vet said she was too young to spay :x

    I was delighted when Caroline and Peter thought she might fit in with Max and so did I, she ticked all the boxes we needed.

    I decided it was best for Rosi to go to his house as he was the worrier and she couldn’t care less once she was fed, had toys and got cuddles.
    So Rosi got her weekend case packed and all set to go.
    Max also went on homeopathic drops for a week during this adjustment period.
    Lots of phone calls each day to check on progress and all going well.
    So the rest is history I am glad to say and now both love each other. :P

    Rosi has made a hugh difference to Max, she has taught him how to play, how to share, how to be a dog most of the time and not fret so much and spend all his time worrying where Caroline is.
    As Max was very attached to Caroline, Peter was left out sometimes but he now has his own fan in Rosi

    When Rosi went in to be spayed on Monday I called up to see her, she still remembered myself and Kealan.
    We brought her for a short walk until Caroline came to collect her baby.

    It’s a real happy story for both dogs.
    Max has a girlfriend and he is now becoming the dog he can be.
    Rosi was left on her own most of the day and never had a collar on her, a walk or a friend to play with.
    So good all round. :)
    I love the second photo with the Kong :D

    I look forward to seeing both of them on Saturday :)


    :D :D

    DID Rescue

    I went to visit this happy pair of wrestlers today and they are getting on fantastic.
    Rosi has got longer but not higher in size.
    She was in great form and looks really happy and healthy. :)
    Max really likes having a new sister even when she bully’s him into play
    with very little time allowed for rests.
    All in all a very happy ending and I hope they have years of wrestling to come. ;)


    Lottie (Rosie) came to visit her foster family yesterday :D




    Happy endings


    Rosi (Lottie) had a lovely set of updates in 2011. Dogs in Distress folks are wondering if you have any photos or updates you’d like to share with us on here? We’s love to hear how she’s doing.

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