Lily – Yorkie – HOMED

Lily – Yorkie – HOMED

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    This little lady is gone into foster with Kariana :D Thanks a million ;)


    I collected Lily from Elaine’s yesterday. It took her a little while to settle in, but she ate her dinner & drank water. She acts like a much younger dog, she’s quite playful & she leaps off the couch. This morning she just followed me around everywhere & waited outside the bathroom door while I had my shower. Great to have her! :) I’ll update more when we’ve gotten to know each other better.


    Just wanted to give another quick update on Lily. I’d people over for dinner yesterday, 8 in total and it didn’t faze her in the slightest. She’s very friendly to everyone & seemed to love all the attention. She eats very well & loves her little treats. She is also- and this is a major plus- extremely quiet. I’ve only heard her bark once & it was when I was playing with her on the floor. She’s impossible not to love. Her eyesight isn’t great & I don’t think her hearing is the best either but she’s easy to look after, she either curls up asleep or trots around after you. I know the vet said she’s 10-12, but she really does act like a younger dog sometimes. She loves her little games where she gets you to chase her around the room.


    From lily’s owner:

    We adopted Lily the 14yr old Yorkie from Dogs In Distress a few months
    ago. Can you tell everyone how well she is doing. She is absolutely
    amazing. We love her so much. She was so old when she first arrived,
    now she is like a little pup at times, her spirit is so alive again
    and she is the happiest little dog. She bounces around like a little
    rabbit at times when she has a big field to run in. We have a big GAA
    pitch near us. She comes to the Aran Islands with us all the time and
    loves being on the boat with us and Sheba. She has had many holidays
    there and in the beautiful wooded area of Cong, Co Mayo. She and
    Sheba my other Rescue Lakeland Terrier are great company for each
    other. Lily is actually Top Dog in relation to Sheba, eventhough
    Sheba is bigger!! I have a very soft cushioned cloth dog bag, so if we
    are walking too far for Lily we have this to put her in and she loves
    looking out. She gets the best food Science Plan and Burn’s. Her coat
    is as shiny.

    We had loads of eye and health issues at the beginning but our local
    Ark Vets and Natasha Mitchell in Limerick (Eye Specialist for Dogs)
    helped us and Lily is so much happier. Nothing was done that was in
    anyway too much for Lily, this would be the Ark’s and Natasha’s
    philosophy and we discussed this beforehand. Lily loves our garden
    here, its not huge but it is the perfect size for Lily and she has her
    own special bed. I have a two seater swing and she loves to snooze
    there also with me! Please tell Lily’s foster people of her happy
    status. I collected Lily in Dublin train station and brought her on
    the train with me, it was so nice that we had this train journey
    together, she just seemed to settle in with us from here. Finbar
    often says it is like she was with us forever!

    Thank you Dogs In Distress.
    If you want to put this letter on your site, it is no problem. I am
    no good at posting photos yet, but I will get Finbar to do this soon.

    Yours sincerely,


    Lily on her holidays 8-)


    aw thats so lovely.Great to see her doing so well.


    ahhh, she looks SO happy, I’m delighted for her ! xx


    Lilly and friends:D :D

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