Lily – Yorkie – HOMED

Lily – Yorkie – HOMED

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    Name: Lily

    Reference Number: 1123

    Sex: Female

    Located: Ashton Pound

    Found: Finglas

    Date Out: 19th December 09


    This little girl is gone into foster with Lynn :D Thanks so much ;)


    Lily all washed and fed :D


    I took Lily this morning. She really is a little cutie. Shes had a bath and been out on the lead. Not a bother with either.



    Lily had a great night last night. This little one loves her sleep. She slept on the couch beside me most of the evening. When it was time for her to go into her bed I lifted her in as she was only after waking up. She was fast asleep b4 I even left the room. She didnt make a sound all night. She really would make a great companion for someone.


    Ive just emailed afew more pics of Lily (still cant figure out how to put them up). She really is no bother to look after. This little one loves her sleep. She loves to sit on the couch and snore beside me!!! She loves her walks and is great on the lead, she just toddles along beside me and never pulls on the lead. The noise of cars or children out playing dont seem to bother her at all. She does seem like she was well looked after and is used to just sitting beside someone and sleeping. Hate to think that maybe an elderly person is missing her company. All in all she really will make a great companion for someone.



    Lynn – Lily looks a real cutie I cant believe she hasnt been snapped up. Can you tell me what age, approx, Lily is.



    Brought her to the vet yesterday for a check up and the vet seemed to think shes around 13ish. She really is no bother at all. Brought her out for a walk yesterday evening, fed her when we came back and then she just slept on the couch beside me. She slept from 6.30 till 10.30, only got up to go outside to go to the toilet and then straight back up beside me. I put her into bed at 10.30 and shes still asleep now. Her little snores are gas. She has never made a sound during the whole time I have had her. Think shes just happy to have company.


    Heres Lily out on a stroll about half an hour ago. She was found in the blue jumper she is wearing


    Lily arrived here with us about an hour ago, she’s just settling in, having a look around and all. She is a little unsure of us for the moment but I’m sure she’ll come around shortly.
    She’s just nodded off now. :D I’ll update in a few days as how she’s getting on and a few pictures.


    As Elaine says I dropped Lily off earlier. Shes the first dog I have fostered. I only had her for a week but god you get sooooo used to having them around. I pretty much ran out the door of Elaines house as I didnt want to start bawling. How people can not go looking for their lost dogs I dont know. Hopefully she settles in soon, Im sure she will as it took her a day or two to settle in mine and after that it was like she was always here. Hopefully she finds her forever home soon. She really really deserves it.


    Lily is has come on great. She has come out of herself an awful lot. She doesn’t sleep as much as she did. When she’s on her own she’ll sleep but she sleeps less while you’re here.
    She’ll have a little play with you now, crouching down on her front paws and running off and back several times, gas little character! :lol:
    She’s eating a good bit now, well in comparison to her first few days here where food could be left out all day and she wouldn’t touch it. She’ll run into the kitchen every now and then to see if there is any food after appearing in her bowl. When you’re dishing out her food she’ll jump around the room.
    I gave her a couple of treats the other night when I was in watching telly, then she started giving a few barks to get more, the little monkey! :) That’s the first noise we’ve heard out of her.
    She’s very good at night time, wouldn’t hear a work out of her, not even now that she’s found her voice. She has her very comfy bed in the sitting room but she’s after making a cushion on the couch her own, each morning when I come into her she’ll be curled up in a little ball on it.

    Here is a picture of Lily all set for the snow 8-)


    Lily is down as a miniature yorkshire terrier on the main page but she’s not miniature, well as far as I or anyone else who has seen her thinks anyway. Just so someone doesn’t expect a teeni tiny dog and get a tiny one instead :o

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