Lilly (scottie x) 8 wks old

Lilly (scottie x) 8 wks old

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Lilly (scottie x) 8 wks old

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    This little girl is great! So gentle and loving! She will be small when fully grown! Photo to follow!



    Lilly and Lucy are so adorable :D! Would love to foster one of them. When are they able to be rehomed?[=


    Can’t wait to meet these little puppies!!!


    Lilly is a great little girl! Loves to play, play, play :lol: Doing great on the toilet training and going all night without a peep ;)


    Lilly is a great little girl! She is very gentle but will stand up to the others if they bother her too much :lol: Doing great on the toilet training and going all night without a peep ;)


    Little Lilly went to her new home yesterday :( Her new family are lovely and promised loads of updates ;) Be happy little angel :)


    She is her usual self tearing around, chasing the cat (poor Heidi), barking at dogs in the distance and generally just being mischievous.

    We have started her training because she is so intelligent she was going mad without stimulation-she can now come when called and sit using words AND sign language she LOVES pleasing us :)

    She gets her second vaccinations on Wed so she will be going on her first walk soon after. She met her first doggy friend today a Tibetan Terrier named Charlie. The got on so well and she loves other dogs.

    We are all very happy she came into our lives and already she had made us so happy and we hope we are making her just as delighted with life :)

    Some photos of her last week!


    She is the cutest little pup,congratulations. :D


    Lilly is getting on great she is the funniest little dog. She goes WILD when she sees grown ups, children, dogs and cats. The cat still isn’t a big fan but after 3 weeks they are starting to get better. She has already grown out of her first collar shes getting huge! Her favourite toy right now is a flower pot :? weird puppy.

    Everyone we meet thinks she’s a cairn terrier with floppy ears! Someone even suggested greyhound as part of her genes! Can’t wait to hear updates from her brother and sister I hope they are as happy as this little lady!

    I have photos I need to resize them so they will be up soon :)


    yeah hard to know what they are mixed with, their mum was a dote, she went into labour a few hours after I got her into foster and had to be brought in for a c section at 3 in the morning, she could not give birth herself, vet described the pups as little busters lol
    we had the best fun with them, waiting for their eyes to open, watching their attempts at walking and running.
    so glad they are all in loving homes.
    here is a pic or 2, first one of Lilly one day old, then with her with mum and siblings


    OH MY GOODNESS TOO CUTE. i think i just cried a little!! thanks for the photos I hope their mum finds/found a good home after all her drama. :)


    Hi everybody just a quick update on Lills. We brought her to her first puppy socialisation and obedience class yesterday she got on great and had an awesome time galloping round with the other little puppies. Everyone was admiring her and she did really well on her training :)

    Here are a few photos of our adventure on Howth on Thursday with her two doggy friends Dolly and Alfie. She had lots of fun and got really muddy!!

    We want what Dolly’s having!!

    Look how tiny I am!!!

    I’m not moving until you pick me up.

    Thanks to everyone that helped her and her siblings out she has brought so much happiness to our lives :)


    Thanks a million Caroline, she looks great (still so tiny) :o We can see who the boss is :lol: :lol: :lol:


    Just a few photos of herself enjoying the summer at the stables :D

    She loves digging in the sand arena, rolling in haylage, eating horse poo (????) and playing with the other dogs haha.

    Also lovely to see how her sister is doing…they look so alike its adorable!!

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