Lexi – 6mt old Chihuahua x – HOMED

Lexi – 6mt old Chihuahua x – HOMED

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Lexi – 6mt old Chihuahua x – HOMED

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    Lexi is only starting to find toys interesting now, she had a little teddy that she used to run around with but now is moving to toys, she can just about fit this in her mouth and loves to run around the garden with it and throw it in the air
    Lexi toy.JPG


    Lexi had an admirer on her walk last week but unfortunately the gentleman could not persuade his other half as they already have another dog and go away a lot. I’m sure she will find her forever home soon. Until then we are more than happy to have her. I would be very tempted to keep her myself but I want to be available to foster again and I won’t be allowed 3.
    I can’t believe there is not more interest in this little girl to be honest she is a little cutie, I don’t think my photography does her any justice. She is a great little dog that loves her walks now but doesn’t need much to tire her out, she sleeps the whole eve on my lap and then the whole night until we go into her. She is a great family dog as is around kids of all ages in my house, from age 2 to 8.


    :o Very little interest? I am shocked and now have you on my list of ‘MUST FOLLOW’ :D

    Is that a blue sponge you are now running around with? :? :P


    yep I know I don’t know how she isn’t snapped up already. perfect little house dog.
    what she was playing with in that picture was a petstages orca toy, it had rope attached to it but Lenny had a good chew through that and now we just have the blue puck part left, she loves running around with it tho. She loves Lenny, my mum brought Lenny out for a walk the other day and she was looking out the window whining for him to come back, very cute.


    I cant believe you still have Lexi, I’ve been following your posts and she looks and sounds gorgeous. We already have a dog and recently adopted (our fostered!!) puppy so I would be killed if I took her, but if I could .. I most definitely would.


    :o Lexi, you ALMOST had 2 people fighting over you but we don’t want anyone to be killed :roll: – so unless anyone else wants to fight me for your attention – I am waiting 8-)


    I know how it is Fiona, I want to keep them all. I adopted my Lenny in Oct, have Lexi for the past month and took pity on a stray boxer outside my work yesterday, she is a dote but I can’t walk them all at once so not practical having 3. Lovely having them all tho, my view from the Window yesterday :D
    the gang.JPG


    I can’t believe that Lexi has been with us 5 weeks already. Everybody that meets her on our walks gives a response of "ahhhh look". Because herself and Lenny have the same colouring some have asked if they are mother and daughter. Poor Lenny he is all man lol
    Lexi still looks very much the baby and I would not think she is getting any bigger as she is already over 7 months old so perfect for anyone who wants a permanent puppy lol. She has a very unique look, I believe her breed is called a "jackchi", jack russell/chihuahua. She is a little lady with loads of confidence. the only thing that she is weary about is cars when they pass by close. Big dogs, people, noises nothing fazes this little girl. it is funny as she always wants to be on your lap, I was down on my honkers polishing and she climbed up and stayed there. She is great in the car and has always slept through the night. It is actually hard to get her up in the mornings wheras Lenny is always out of the bed once he hears me coming down the stairs.


    just an update on Lexi, she is doing great. She is loving the sunny weather we have been having as she is not a fan of the cold. She loves her walks off the lead and loves to run around and chase Lenny. She would definitely love a home that had another dog.


    :? Can’t be logged on and not ask about you Lexi. How are you and what have you been up to recently? :)


    Lexi is fine here . She has settled into a routine very well. She has bursts of energy followed by lots of sleep . She loves her walks and we have to let her go ahead of our two otherwise she wears herself out trying to keep up. She is eating very well too .She leaps on to our laps the moment we sit and this is her favourite position. No bark out of her , just a yap ! This morning she saw a pidgeon up on the UPC wire above and was very curious, had a few yaps and then came back in. We were in the local the park and so it was with the ducks, fascinated she was. She gets chilly quite a lot so we have blankets on standby for this, she has no love of the cold at all .When she sleeps too she climbs under her blanket for warmth . .As for accidents, just one so far but she escaped up the stairs, very fast on her feet though .She is not keen on the cat or so we thought initially , I think she just wants to play , I have lifted Lexi up a few times to look at Minnie and once they did meet on the floor but nothing much happened, they just pawed one another but not aggressively .Lexi does need some training but I find she is fairly good and will listen to commands . Treat trainable too, so here we go ! Will keep updating on this little girl .


    Well little Lexi, that is a lovely up-date from your foster mother. Be nice to the cat(s) now, probably bigger than you anyway and you really don’t want to tangle with moggies in their own home – that could go horribly wrong :lol: You are a lovely little thing and I enjoy hearing about you. You have left one great foster home and landed straight into another great foster home and I have no doubt you will be having a ball. You will certainly continue with your 5-Star experience ;) .


    I cant believe Lexi hasnt been snapped up, she’s such a cutie!! Im another one who’s been following the Lexi thread and keep expecting to see a ‘reserved’ beside her name whenever I sign in. Whats going on???? I’d take her with out a second thought only I think 3 might be too much for us.


    Its ok to have three dogs but the walking is the difficult part. I have always walked three but its not that easy ! There is always one that wants to go their own way ! Also around here we have a lot of glass so this has to be a concern every walk and if you have three its out onto the road sometimes so it can be a bit dodgy . I have a friend who walks five , she rescues too , but mainly much older dogs . You can get a couple which links two dogs together though, just a chain with two links for the collars or harness and they are very strong . I hope Lexi gets a home soon , I am amazed too she is still on the site .


    I have a bungee-type coupler for walking my two dogs. Its attached it to a walking belt and the leads attached to the coupler. The leads don’t get tangled at all and I have to say the coupler and walking belt are two of my better purchases. A third dog could then be hand walked at the same time or be attached to one of the other dogs via a ‘link’ line (either chain or webbing, depending on the size of the dogs) and everyone is happy :D

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