Lady – boxer cross puppy

Lady – boxer cross puppy

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Lady – boxer cross puppy

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    This wee lass is so adorable. Thats her in the tan. She is so affectionate and funny. Slept all night with her brother Ben, not a peep from them. She loves her cuddles and likes nothing more than to curl up into a ball on your lap. More photos to follow very soon.


    She is sooo cute! All of them are just so adorable! I want one !!
    Even though I would not trade my two for anything !! :D


    This little Lady slept the whole night again. Not a sound from her or her brother. She is doing so well. First thing this morning she went outside and did her poops. I was so proud. :D



    I met Lady this morning in her foster home. She is gorgeous, very pretty girl. She is outgoing and affectionate, lots of licks. Quiet little pup, foster mam says not a peep out of her and her brother, they sleep through the night. Toilet training is coming on leaps and bounds.



    Little Lady has settled well into her foster home. She is a sweetheart. She loves nothing more than a snuggle beside her foster mam(me) and her brother Ben. Her toileting is going well and she does her business either outside or on the paper in the kitchen. Very few accidents in the last few days which is brilliant.


    Day 6 in my foster home – i slept all night again, I love curling up and been warm. This morning, I got up up and the first thing I did was to go outside to the toilet. Foster mammy Joanne was very proud and told me I was a good girl & she always says how cute I am. Myself and my bro Ben were allowed to snuggle in Joannes bed this morning as we were all still a bit tired and it was cold too. When I got up I played chasing and rolling with Ben and then we went into our bed for another nap. We really are such well behaved puppies. :D



    This is Lady’s second day in her forever home and she is doing great!! She loves her new bed and the couch!!! and for such a small little thing she takes up alot of it with her spreadeagle positioning! It took her a little while to settle in to a new place, but she is growing more accustomed, braver and more playful by the hour. She is not yet sleeping during the night and I have been up with her the past 2 nights because I cant bear to hear her crying!!! But I’m sure she just misses her brother Ben as it’s the first time she’s been without him! She no doubt misses her foster mammy Joanne too. Hopefully I will manage to get photos up soon.


    Btw just to let all know, we have named her Molly!


    Hi Sarah,

    Finally back to I.T land again. I felt so isolated without my internet to check D.I.D site to see how the foster babies were doing.. It was great to hear Molly is doing well. She is a wee dote. I’m sure she has settled by now and you are getting a little more sleep. ;) Post a photo when you get a chance please. Keep up the great work!!


    Love the name :) MOLLY is gorgeous :)

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