Hello Everyone – I’m new to DID. My Best Friend Vicky fostered Kimmy (now Cammy) and I just fell in love with her right from the beginning. I can now call Cammy officially my little girl (If you can put the words "Cammy" and "little" in the same sentence!! I will post pictures of her as soon as I can to keep all you doggy lovers up to date on her progress. It’s very touching to see so many of you caring and posting comments fair play to all of you who work with the dogs and also for fostering and adopting them. I can honestly say that already our life has changed with Cammy – for the better and she is never short on admirers!! We brought her to our vet recently who gave her a clean bill of health – and she only has about 4-6 kgs to gain which I’m sure she will pick up handy enough – The little maggot has already eaten my lunch for work twice!! Oh well I am learning to keep tasty ham sambos out of her reach!!