Kevin – 8 week collie x pup

Kevin – 8 week collie x pup

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Kevin – 8 week collie x pup

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    I am interested in adopting Kevin. I have already passed my homecheck.


    If you want to give Suzie Walsh a call to let her know you are interested and she can let you know what is going on with him



    I can foster this little pup, I still have Arnie/Archie but he’s leaving tomorrow morning, If he still needs somewhere and Suzi and Gwen think it’s okay I could take from today if he’s not going to a forever home directly.


    this guy is now sorted. He is such a sweetheart a little ball of fluff with lots of energy for about ten minutes then he sleeps again! Very affectionate will make a really great pet!


    Have this little guy, just tuck him into bed and now I think he is going for a world record of loudest dog :lol: Im sure he will settle in soon. Nice little fella, just wants to sit on your lap but id say in a couple of months he will be to big for that!!!


    We met Kevin last friday night and fell in love with him.
    Our house is now buzzing waiting for Saturday when we go and collect him and bring him to his new home and family. We have decided to call him Archie which we believe suits him better. My twin 17 year old daughters nearly cancelled their holiday when they realised they would not be here when Archie turns up. My 4 year old is ‘puppyproofing’ the house!!!!!! This means that she is putting her cudly toys on shelves so that Archie cannot get to them as she saw what he had done to the toy at Karens!!!
    Many many thanks to you all at DID for your work with all the animals.
    We will post some photos of Archie in his new home shortly.


    oh he is a handsome chappy full of beans!!! nothing plenty of exercise and routine wont sort out! Thank you for taking him into your home and heart. Have a lovely life little man, mind him for us ;)


    I’m delighted for him we had him overnight once and such a dote!!! Going to be such a beautiful doggie! Best of luck little man!


    Kevin is now Archie and is now in his forever home with my Family and myself.
    He has settled in really well and loves my raddish plants!!!!
    What a sweetheart. We spent most of yesterday playing with him. This morning my wife and youngest daughter were late for work/playschool as they were playing with him in the garden.
    He did not like being left downstairs at night but, boy what a reception i got this morning.
    He is now at work with me (office at home) sleeping after doing some ‘filing’ for me..Will tidy that up now..
    I wil post some photos shortly.


    Nice to hear you have him hard at work :lol:

    Delighted he went home with you! But unfortunately had to tell many other families that he was not going home with them ;)

    Can’t wait to see photos and I will send you his micro-chip card and tag in the post asap, he is registered now so don’t worry…..


    Eventually got round to posting the pics i promised 4 years ago!!!!
    Archie has really settled in and has totally taken over from the doorbell. Anybody within 50 yards of the house and his tail goes and he barks like there is no tomorrow…Then he goes and jumps up the visitors with a toy or two. He is a bundle of fun.
    My youngest daughter loves him to bits..
    We now think he could do with a buddy and are looking to adopt another dog..

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