Kerry – Sheltie x – HOMED

Kerry – Sheltie x – HOMED

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    This beautiful girl is 14mts old and is small to medium in size & fully grown. She is great with other dogs and travels well in the car :D


    This little sweetheart arrived this afternoon, a huge thank you to ems(both of you), she is a little dote and is getting on well with Taylor and Casey, the three of them ran and played themselves to sleep, so they’re all passed out on the couch at the moment :D Kerry is a little pet, she just wants cuddles, fun and somewhere nice to have a snooze. I’ll post more in the next couple of days, in the meantime here’s a photo or two(although getting her to sit still was tough going so only one is in focus, she was just to excited!!!)…..


    oh lord that last photo is amazing!!
    and thats only after she arrived with you, what a great girl :D


    Kerry, you look great :) looking forward to updates :)


    Wow she looks fantastic, especially in the last photo :) Her little ear sticking up is just toooo cute :lol:


    Any word on our little friend?
    She is soo cute with the sticky up ear :lol:
    so sweet. More updates Purlease


    Well the lovely Kerry has been spayed and got over it without a hitch. She got her stitches out today and is very glad to see the back of her cone!!!!

    Kathy and her family came for a visit today and seemed very enamored. They already have a shelty called Rex who is a little unsure of Kerry but I think in no time he’ll have warmed to her and will love her as much as we do. She has the kindest heart and just loves a cuddle. Herself and Taylor have become fast friends and tug of war over the shoe has become their favorite game.

    Kerry is going for a walk with her prospective family tomorrow and hopefully all goes well and she gets the forever home she deserves.


    so delighted to see the reserve sign go up on Kerry. :D
    What a lovely dog and so happy that she is going off to the home she deserves. so sad to think of the dogs like her who don’t get this kind of chance through no fault of their own :x
    another success for dogs in distress :)
    you guys rock!


    Just to let you know Kerry went to her forever home this morning. We will miss her loads but I’m glad she has gone to such a lovely family.


    Hi there, I tried uploading this but cant seem to make it work! I also worried that though I’m trying to provide hope to anyone in a similar predicament, it would seem like I’m being negative about adopting… maybe you could read it and post if you saw fit? As I mention in the post below, I was desperate to find advice from someone who had gone through the same thing and had success, as I really believe in adoption, so I think it’s providing an important message!
    Photo attached.

    take care,
    Cathy Davey (cathyandrex on forum) x

    For anyone who’s worried that they’ve taken on too much by adopting a second dog.

    I want to give a brief summary of our journey with Kerry (now Molly) who we adopted in March in the hopes she would provide a friend for our older rescue fella, Rex. And let you all know that though we had a worrysome start, it has all worked out fantastically and I want to prevent anyone from feeling like returning a dog is their only option.

    The first meetings with Rex and Molly went fine, and since he showed agression towards most dogs (never properly socialized) i thought it was a good sign. But when we first brought her home Rex found Molly tiring, too rough and a threat to his position in the house. He took to moping and looking incredibly hard done by though we changed nothing in his routine, and was aggressive towards Molly.
    As a result I found it very upsetting, it put a strain on a dog we had worked so hard on getting happy (he was also a rescue), was stressful for us wondering what we had taken on, and sad to see Molly, who was very well socialized thanks to DID, being rejected constantly.

    I couldnt find any hope online, no similar stories that ended well. But I wanted so much to read a post like this one, a post that says "I thought it was a disaster and now we all are one big family!", which is the truth!!

    THE THINGS THAT HELPED US!! (note, I’m not a professional!)

    Emmaline Duffy-Fallon,, helped us SO much. She helped us find ways of helping rex have breaks from the ever-present Molly (introducing a cage for Molly where she would go to get her favourite treats, thus giving Rex a chance to have one on ones with us). She helped us to stop Molly from rough-housing and calm down when it was appropriate since she is young and used to playing with other dogs. And generally gave us the tools to create a more harmonious home.

    Positive encouragement (treats when they were close to each other, treats when she walked by, treats when he looked at her…. so he associated her with treats basically!)

    Keeping his privileges! Removed dog beds as these caused rows, but Rex got prime position on couch and slept in his own bed in our room while Molly got her favourite treat (peanut butter and kibble in giant kong) in her pimped out cage outside bedroom (cage door open as I wanted it to be more like a voluntary den.) She grew to adore her cage, no one else went in it and when she was annoying Rex and getting rowdy I’d get her some delicious delight and she’d run to her cage to receive it. We also initially gave her her dinner in the cage with the door closed to get her used to it.

    After a while Rex got used to her, slowly she was able to push her way into his space without him getting grumpy. Now we all lie on the bed for morning cuddles, we all roll on the floor playing mess-fights. Walks are great fun now that Molly has stopped ambushing him, they lick each others faces and ears and Molly has taught Rex how to meet new dogs without attacking them, MIRACLE! . HE IS SO HAPPY TO BE PART OF A PACK! It took us a couple months of thoughtful, practical effort to get to this point but it didnt hurt us, just gave us experience and appreciation for what we have now. Which is a happier place to be because of our second rescue dog.

    I really hope this helps anyone who’s worried. It was a unique case and in no way should it discourage anyone from adopting, as you can see from all the fosterers posts, dogs love dogs. They just sometimes need us humans to know what we’re doing, and we were novices in this field, still are!

    We love Molly all the more for our journey. I really mean that, and Rex loves her too x


    That is fantastic Cathy…well done for going the extra mile ;)


    Sisters :D


    From Cathy :D

    Neil and I and guests will be on the Late Late Show tonight to sing a song (about herself below) from our Christmas album for Dogs in Distress. Get your onesies on and tune in! X

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