Kerri – 14mt old maltese x

Kerri – 14mt old maltese x

New Home Forums DID Dogs Our Dogs Happy Endings Kerri – 14mt old maltese x

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    Kerri is 14 mts old. Thanks a million to Mimi for taking her from the pound and holding her ;)


    This pup is just gorgeous and very sweet. I don’t think there’s much Westie in her, though. Maybe her ears. But again I’m no expert. She has wonderfully soft blond hair with some darker streaks. She is too thin under all that hair but seems healthy otherwise. Lovely, quiet temperament. Of course they always arrive that way and in a day or two their true personality comes out, but I think she’ll be a gentle pup. We’re just holding her for a few hours, but I think her foster family, and ultimately her forever family are in for a real treat. Oh, and she loves her cuddles.


    this little girl just arrived home with me for the night before going off to her longer term foster tomorrow morning. mimi is absolutely right. this little pup is so sweet and gentle! she’s full of kisses and loves snuggling. she’s very thin under all her hair, but other than that she seems in quite good nick. right now she’s having a sniff round the garden after eating a bowl of food (her 2nd…mimi gave her a big bowl earlier but she is starving!). she went out into the back garden all on her own to go potty, so it might be that she’s has some house training.

    i think mimi is right about her breed. there’s some westie in her all right, but there’s some other bits thrown in the mix, for sure! she’s an all-round lovely little pup, and i think she’ll get snapped up right quick.


    i think maltese x


    my lovely little girl is just off on the next leg of her adventure! she’s an unnaturally adorable and sweet little pup. we were calling her Li Li (chinese for "pretty") and she answered to it no bother. her recall is great! just say her name from anywhere in the house and she comes running and launches herself into your lap for snuggles. i think she’s more or less house trained, as well. we only had one little accident this morning, and that was because, in my sleepiness, i was moving just a bit too slow. :)

    last night she went into her crate next to our bed no problem and there wasn’t a peep out of her. i woke up at 7:30am and she was lying there looking up at me. obviously she had been awake (and probably dying for a potty break!) for awhile but waited patiently until i woke up and brought her out. we had a bit of a play with a soft toy, but she’s a bit confused by the whole "play" concept, still. i think she also gets worn out quickly, which will change once she gains a little weight and muscle. mostly she just wants to lay in your lap and nuzzle into your neck. she’s a bit nervous with passing cars, and she’s a bit timid at first. however, once she gains some physical stamina and confidence, she’ll be a proper bouncy little pup like she ought to be!

    i’m sad to see her go (thanks for picking her up, martina! sorry my house is so awkward to find! :D ), but i’m so excited for the next part of her journey to begin. i will be watching this space eagerly for updates. there’s not a doubt in my mind that there will be a queue round the block for a chance to adopt sweet Li Li. if our circumstances were different, i’d be the first in line! :lol:


    Kerri is a beautiful little girl I am sure there will be many people wanting to adopt her. From the moment she arrived she has been so good. She is eating very well and playing with both Boo and Max. She had a bath yesterday and did not complain at all. She is very lively! Not sure about her being a westie cross though. Some one said maybe maltese? but no I dont think so. She has a little foxy face, almost like a pom but lots of hair !Will keep you posted on her progress. :P


    Kerri is a beautiful little girl I am sure there will be many people wanting to adopt her. From the moment she arrived she has been so good. She is eating very well and playing with both Boo and Max. She had a bath yesterday and did not complain at all. She is very lively! Not sure about her being a westie cross though. Some one said maybe maltese? but no I dont think so. She has a little foxy face, almost like a pom but lots of hair !Will keep you posted on her progress. :P[/quote:1tynv363]
    One of the dog groomers saw this pup this morning and she thinks that she is a pom/yorkie cross but she is a medium sized dog, a lot of hair at the back of her and an upturned tail which is very bushy.



    Kerri looks really cute and we’d love to meet her. We have sent an e-mail to Gwen and hope to hear very soon if we can arrange a visit.

    :) Please can we arrange a visit, we love you Kerri! :D

    The Nolan Family :) :D


    Some pics of this pretty girl –


    And more –


    oh, look at her!!!!! she’s absolutely gorgeous! you’ve done such a brilliant job with her, and it shows. her coat is looking amazing and she’s looking really, really healthy and happy! :D

    whoever gets this brilliant little dog will be lucky indeed! :)


    Well, We are the very very lucky people to adopt this beautiful girl! She really is a stunner. She has such a personality & just wants to play play play. Herself and Maggie run rings around each other -it’s hilarious to watch. I think the two girls are gonna be best mates :D

    Here’s some pics of the stunner


    Congrats Cathy on the new member of your family. She looks adorable and what a coat !!!!!


    Kerri – renamed Boots (because he boots it around the house) has settled in great! Her and her sister Maggie are just best mates – but like all sisters – have their little tiffs too :D
    Boots has got to be the most affectionate dog i’ve ever met! She was a little low on confidence when we got her, but that’s slowly building up & she’s everyones friend! She also got her coat chopped for the summer so she looks a little like an arctic fox at the minute ;)
    IMG_5889 [640×480].JPG
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    Well done Cathy ….Boots happiness just beams from her soulful eyes!

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