Kenny – Terrier x Collie – HOMED

Kenny – Terrier x Collie – HOMED

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    The lovely Kenny was neutered today and is currently trying to get comfy on the couch. The poor guy seems to be pretty sore as he wouldn’t lie down for ages. He was resting his head on a pillow on the couch while still standing until he nearly fell over God love him. He has just realised that lying on his back seems a bit more comfy. He scoffed his dinner as soon as he got in the door so his appetite obviously hasn’t been affected ;) He is a funny little guy who has found it hard to relax the last few days tending to only sit for a couple of minutes and then he’s off again sniffing everywhere over and over. He sometimes likes to sit by himself far away from everyone and then other times would practically sit on your face if you let him, trying to get as close as possible :lol: I really think he’s a lovely fella and with a little time to settle into his surroundings he’ll be a great companion.


    How quick and efficient DID are, Kenny is neutered already. What a brave little guy he is. I see that Kenny is going into foster with Belinda. Thank you Belinda and thank you again Maeve and Mark for helping out when Kenny and my cat were at odds. I know you think he is a special little guy, a sensitive soul, as I did. I think you will miss him and I hope he is good as gold with you Belinda.


    :D im sure he will be a good little doggie for me. The amount of male doggie hunks lilly has being snuggling up to lately, she is having a great time :D


    I’m definitely gonna miss him but I’m sure he’ll get over us pretty quickly with the lovely Lilly to keep him company ;) He is feeling a lot better today and is moving around much more. He had a little diarrhoea this morning again but I think it’s more from her procedure than anything else. At the moment he’s pretending to kill Basil who is making so much noise with pretend groals than I can’t even hear the tv :D Think Baz will miss him more than anyony :(


    The lovely kenny has come to stay wit me until he finds his forever home which i know wont b long cos he is lovely, thanks mark 4 dropping him down. He is so gentle and soft. He has had a nice bowl of chicken and rice and seems to b settling in. Wil update wit photos 2moro


    some pictures of the lovely Kenny.

    Poor Kenny, he is such a sweatheart. He is still very nervous, but im sure after his stay here he will be alot more confident. ;)


    Kenny looks very happy with you Belinda! I love his little pink paws so cute and puppy like!


    :D He looks a million dollars now. I am so happy he is on the mend, can only get better and better. I thought he was a smart dog when I saw his original photos but now I know he IS a very smart little dog. I will be following your path Kenny until your permanent family find you. So happy for you.


    Kenny is a really smart dog. He is a very gentle dog and loves to be cuddled. He did cry a little last night but thats normal as he has being on the move a few times. when he first came he wouldnt go into his crate but now he realises that its actually ok to go in as its comfortable and that i never close the door on it until im going to bed, as he has a habit of lifting his leg alot ;) but im working on that. I leave the back door open for most of the day so he loves being able to potter in and out whenever he likes. Hes learning that lilly isnt interested in him as she has let him know a few times but apart from that this little man is no trouble what so ever. He is really great with my 2 children and loves just lying there for a cuddle with them. he is such a loving dog, im not sure wat his life was like before ( probably not very nice ) but from now on this dog is going to just grow more and more confident. He has a really good appetite now and he will start filling out pretty soon. P.S he is now a celebrity big brother fan. :D and that wasnt down to me i swear :P


    Love the pictures Belinda. He’s such a lovely dog he definitely deserves a great home! Glad he’s listening to Lilly and starting to get the picture she’s not interested :lol:




    We would be interested in meeting Kenny!
    Is he still sick? Poor thing!
    I have emailed Sarah to try arrange a date that we can meet him.
    Looking forward to it he sounds lovely :)


    hi breffni

    Kenny is in foster with me at the moment. he was sick about 2 weeks ago with a tummy bug but he is on the mend now. He is still underweight and has some diarrhea but if is definitely getting there.he is still looking for his forever home. you have to email sarah with the adoption form and wait to be homechecked. ( not sure if you have already done that r not ). But somebody will be in contact with you.



    Hi Belinda
    We have had our home check. Sarah recommended that our home might be a good match for Kenny. I have contacted Sarah to ask her to arrange a time we would meet Kenny with our dog Oscar.
    Looking forward to it!


    Just watched the video of Kenny. He is so gorgeous and looks so healthy. He has definitely put on a bit of weight. He looks very relaxed and gets on so well with your daughter. It is fantastic to see how he has come on. Lily looks great too, you are doing such a brilliant job with all the dogs that you take into your heart. Thanks

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